Israel uses American weapon to hit hospital (again) and kills 500

The jooos stole their land why should they have to move ?

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I don’t think the two-sate solution (a Jooish state and a Palestinian state) works.

I am for a one state solution, neither Jooish nor Palestinian. One state with equal rights for Joos, Muslims and Christians.

Harry Truman, who was the first to recognized Israel in 1948, signed for “the State of Israel,” crossing out the word “Jooish.”

Truman’s own handwriting. Let that sink in.

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Yes, a two state situation would be FAR worse then the present and would give IRAN more reasons to destroy Israel.
I personally prefer a one state solution , but would GRUDGINGLY accept a make Gaza and the West Bank semi- autoninmous states.

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For Israel, the Turkish military is more menacing than Iran.
The Turks who are Muslims are enraged by the actions of Israel.

If the American troops enter Gaza, the Muslims see that as Americans killing Palestinian civilians.

They think we have a sane president, Biden is brain dead !! What most don’t understand and we haven’t learned from 911 is these people don’t care about dying and would welcome death if they could destroy the entire region and we will see nukes land on our Cities .
When you have nothing and thousands of families lost 1000’s of their children by Israel they are ready to see Allah and those 40 virgins !
How much more do think we can spread our resources , how many more areas will our military be required to defend ? O(ur borders are allowing everyone in including crazy TERRORIST !!!
Israel has went far and beyond the rules of war and they must be placed in check . We need to walk away and let the Muslims handle Israel !

So the Israelis are supposed to hand over a modern country they worked hard to create to people that would still be riding donkeys and camels in a TURD WORLD country.

“They” created???


The Palastinians only created trouble.

What good is a modern country you create on stolen lands? And it certainly is an apartheid state with no rights or voice for the rightful owners of the land.

Certainly Israel’s agriculture is modern and efficient but the water rights have been stolen.

Israel does not have any heavy industry but does have light manufacturing and nuclear power which is geared to produce nuke bombs and missiles to terrorize and blackmail the Arab countries and Europe. (Do as we say, or else.)

Israel also makes chemical and biological weapons for the same purpose as above.

Isreal has been testing the cruel and outlandish weapons made in the US on the children of Gaza.

Israel is the core evil.

They are indigenous people of that land.

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Palestinians are descended from ancient Israel, or true Hebrews. Many of direct followers of Jesus left Roman Palestine and went to Rome, but the majority stayed in Palestine. Sadly, they were later force-converted to Islam under various Muslim dynasties. The same fate befell the Samaritans who were ancient Hebrews as well.

Thus Palestinians are God’s people.

I would just say
 we are all God’s people
 but I understand what you’re saying.

I suppose each of us has the choice to join God’s people or Satan’s people.

The latter group makes up the Deep State in the US and babylonian banking and other satanist entities throughout the world.

It is necessary to study the situations and use our head, instead of being mindless sheeple watching lying TV all the time.

Good intentions alone won’t help, as you say in English: The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

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Why dont you BITCH about the BRITISH and UN part in this . You do know the BRITS controlled the area after WW 1 until 1947 -48.

The British government is controlled by the Rothschilds. They have American blood on their hands too as they instigated the Civil War.

As a Rothschild mother boasted: If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.
(I think she was the wife of Mayer Amschel Rothschild. The bitch lived nearly 100 years beween mid 18th and 19th centuries)

Why dont you try answering my post???

Many Joos moved to Israel because its economic conditions are better or living standards are higher than in their homelands. Or bamboozled by Zionist lies. These people certainly don’t belong to the stolen land; they should leave Israel immediately and find a better home somewhere else.

Israelis were killed by the gunfire from the Israeli army.

Israeli operation in Gaza is wholesale murder. Turks and Iranians are getting united against Israel. Colonel MacGregor


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Maybe you are right , the Joos should leave Israel , but return the land the way it was before and see what it looks like with the Palastinians creating a country from scratch and turn it into a modern country with good hospitals , mass transit and good uviversities. Lets see what they can do by themself without Iran.Im sure Jordan wouldnt mind a RADICAL PALASTINIAN country next door.
We can let the Joos resettle in Lebanon , kickout that POOR EXCUSE of an army and rebuild Lebanon into a GREATER country than Israel. Im sure AI ASSHOLE ASSAD wouldnt mind Israels military being closer to DAMN ASSCUS.
Hey, Im GLAD YOU made me see how wrong I was all along. THANK YOU !!!