Israel to receive $38 billion during worst economic crisis in US history

So none of this technology has benefitted America; is that what I’m hearing? Israel’s top 45 greatest inventions of all time - ISRAEL21c --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, show me comparable technology from every Muslim country combined; and I’ll admit I was wrong. Made in Israel – The top 64 innovations developed in Israel

Israel was the country to develop the USB flash drive. Used by nearly everyone I know, it surely is one of the most useful modern inventions. It allows you to store all your files in a compact way, making it easier to access and work away from your computer.

We invented flight. By your logic every country in the world should be paying us for that.

Either do something about everything or do nothing at all and continue on.

Either scream about our open borders and the hundreds of billions we waste taking care of other nations populations migrating to the US of forget what we waste on Israel.
3.8 billion a year we give Israel and ignoring the hundreds of billions we waste on central America and Mexico is simply either stupid of points to antisemitism.

Seems you miss the point.

We send billions overseas every year and pretend it’s ok. It isn’t.

We allow 10’s of million to live in the US costing hundreds of billions a year and you pretend it’s ok but 3.8 billion a year to Israel is an outrage.

You condone Mexicans illegally in the US funneling over 60 billion a year back to Mexico and pretend that everything’s ok, it isn’t.

The US allows jobs to be shipped overseas ] so people can buy cheap shit and people revolt when they are told things may cost more when manufacturing returns to the US and that’s ok, it isn’t.

Seems that the only thing I can see is people that hate Israel and shipping 600 billion a year overseas in trade deficit is ok. Antisemitism at it’'s first.

Fuck Isra-hell’s technology.
Nuke bombs and biological weapons.

The first powered flight was Henri Giffard’s steam-powered airship in 1852. On Sept. 24, 1852, Giffard traveled almost 17 miles (27 kilometers) from Paris to Trappes moving at about 6 miles per hour (10 kilometers/hour). Next thing you’ll be telling us is Bell invented the telephone. Antonio Meucci and German inventor Philipp Reis independently invented telephone-like devices that achieved the key breakthrough of turning sound into electric signals over a decade before Bell.


I don’t stand with a foreign country in the Middle East who has corrupted our white people into committing racial suicide and I never will.

I never liked dirty dealing; and that would encompass the entire history of politics ( no party immune ); but I give Israel credit for the technological achievements.


Where the fuck were you in 2015 when Obama gave 150 BILLION to Iran after take Americans hostage ? Where do you think all of our intel on the middle East comes from ?

Where the fuck are you now with $38B going to Israel after they attacked the USS Liberty and killed US sailors?

Why don’t you ask Barack Obama as he began the program in 2016 and this is but a renewal of an existing policy??? 3.8 billion a year for 10 years.

And where the fuck are you now as Mexicans transfer 60 billion a year to their homeland while costing taxpayers 160 billions a year in services???

How many Americans are dead today because of illegals in the US yet we even give Mexico foreign aid.

I’m against all that shit. Funny, I thought we would get a ban on remittances with Trump. No such luck. So - where are you at on bankrolling Israel?

Weren’t you bitching in another thread about out of work Americans who can’t make their rent… proclaiming that they were sitting at home eating and drinking all day…and how your overextended landlord friend needs to pay his ridiculous amount of debt?

Gee, maybe using the money the American people involuntarily paid to their government might be better spent on - wait for it - the people who paid into the system in the first place, instead of sending it overseas to a wealthy foreign country (that actually has a border and a wall).

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I don’t know you but I am so tired of all this winning.

  • no wall
  • no muslim ban
  • 41 million unemployed
  • protesters bring WH into lockdown
  • federal money printers go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr for Israel

Oy Vey! This seems to be a daily occurrence in Israel! Quick! Someone let Zion Don know so we can stop the next shipment of shekels and have the DOJ launch a hate crimes investigation!

Israel did 911.
Great technological superiority

About 350 ■■■■ died when the towers came down.

Israel was once our primary source of ME intelligence reports. But no longer; and thanks to Obama. Obama’s Attack on Israel | RealClearPolitics--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Obama, a man of the left, has shown time and time again anti-Israeli reflexes that are the product of deep anti-Israeli sentiments. He seems to delight in applying pressure to Israel even as he overlooks or downplays the malevolence of its enemies. (This is true of nations such as Iran and terrorist organizations including Hamas.) Obama acts publicly as though he feels more loathing toward Benjamin Netanyahu than Bashar al-Assad – and more anger toward Israel for its settlement policies than toward Syria for its mass atrocities.

It is an extraordinary moral inversion being undertaken by a lame duck U.S. president: On behalf of the United States he has directed antipathy against not only one of America’s most loyal allies but a nation that is among history’s most estimable and admirable. In a sea of tyranny, Israel is democratic, pluralistic, self-critical, and respectful of individual rights, human rights and minority rights. It is bone-weary of war and has made enormous sacrifices for peace. Yet to its critics it seems to matter not at all that Israel has repeatedly shown its willingness to sacrifice “land for peace” or that the Palestinians have repeatedly walked away from generous deals that would grant them statehood. Obama and those on the left keep pushing a tired old anti-Israeli narrative, one not rooted in reality. Distortions to truth are acceptable so long as they are done in an effort to undermine the world’s only ■■■■■■ state.

Israel don’t give a shit about fellow ■■■■■

Exactly. And besides, they can pretty much kick anybody’s ass in the region. And, they are a nuclear power.