Israel Declares State of War

Ask the professionals. They know everything.

I’m surprised Scott Ritter speaks critical of Israel.

I think I will give him props for being more objective when it comes to this subject matter. Most of mainstream media won’t because its owned by Joos.


Violence begets violence with no end in sight. I can see issues from sides pitted against one another and there are no winners in this decades old conflict. Palestinian women and children, and innocent Israeli’s who were provoked to act against a terrorist group like Hamas who was originally funded by the US taxpayers. This is pretty crazy and confusing at the same time. That being said I can’t see this ending well for the Palestinians who allowed Hamas to have seats in the government some years ago.

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I totally agree! Why have we been funding Israel for many years now without the Taxpayers having a say in the matter?

You mean liberals like these?

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US Tax Payers money paid for weapons for Ukraine is somehow funneled to Hamas and was used in the attack against Israel.

Where does the buck stop and with who?


Interesting comments from Col Douglas McGreggor

The Israeli losses are predicted to exceed 1,000 dead.

It is inconceivable that the IDF had NO ready forces positioned in the South or the North to deal with potential violence on the anniversary of 1973.

At the same time, the Arabs did what they never do. They shut up.

In this sense, it’s reminiscent of two conditions.

First, Custer and his column were annihilated because the hostile tribes did something they had never done:

They united and stood their ground. Normally, they were divided and fled as soon as Army Regulars showed up.

He rushed in thinking that if he did not, the hostiles would fleet. It’s also reminiscent of the Bulge.

We talked ourselves into a state of wishful thinking and the Germans surprised us.

For Israel, however, this is deadly serious. If Hezbollah sits this out, the IDF will systematically crush Gaza. However, serious attacks from Southern Lebanon will stretch the IDF ground force to the limit.

It may be that anger and disgust across the Muslim World with the destruction of Gaza and its people eventually provokes a larger war that could involve Iran, even Turkey.

Egypt will be unable to sit it out. Jordan may fall apart under the pressure of internal unrest. In short, the world could change dramatically.

No tank is safe.

They decide where the aid goes that WHY !
I have my opinion and you have yours . It’s not mud slinging when it’s fact . Most of them have openly said they are aligned with Israel and their policies . The scale of Israeli attacks on Palestinian towns and refugee camps in the West Bank has been “disproportionate and often reckless,” according to a recent Amnesty International report. Amnesty estimates that in the six weeks from March 1, through mid-April, more than 600 Palestinians have been killed and over 3,000 wounded by Israeli soldiers.
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan recently expressed his concern with the use of U.S. weapons by the IDF, saying:

I feel obliged to call your attention to disturbing patterns in the treatment of civilians and humanitarian relief workers by the Israeli Defense Forces…. Judging from the means and methods employed by the IDF–F-16 fighter-bombers, helicopter and naval gunships, missiles and bombs of heavy tonnage–the fighting has come to resemble all-out conventional warfare. In the process, hundreds of innocent noncombatant civilians–men, women, and children–have been injured or killed, and many buildings and homes have been damaged or destroyed. Tanks have been deployed in densely populated refugee camps and in towns and villages; and heavy explosives have been dropped mere meters from schools where thousands of children were in attendance.
We all know how bad the J**s treat the Palestinians and this conflict would never end and those in Congress and the Senate would throw billions to Israel as they have in the past . 90% of their military equipment was with US funds .
The United States has also underwritten Israel’s domestic armaments industry, by giving:

  • $1.3 billion to develop the Lavi aircraft (cancelled)
  • $625 million to develop and deploy the Arrow anti-missile missile (an ongoing project)
  • $200 million to develop the Merkava tank (operative); the latest version, the Merkava 4, uses a German V-12 diesel engine produced under license in the U.S. by General Dynamics
  • $130 million to develop the high-energy laser anti-missile system (ongoing).

Free Weapons to Israel

The U.S. also gives Israel weapons and ammunition as part of the Excess Defense Articles (EDA) program, providing these articles completely free of charge. Between 1994-2001 the U.S. provided many weapons through this program, including:

  • 64,744 M-16A1 rifles
  • 2,469 M-204 grenade launchers
  • 1,500 M-2 .50 caliber machine guns
  • .30 caliber, .50 caliber, and 20mm ammunition
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Of course they have openly said for many year for every J*w killed they will kill 100 . Religious people my ASS !

I agree NO US taxpayer money to Gazs to fund Irans proxy Hamas. Very little of that money reaches those who need it.
How much of the 6 billion to Iran funds their proxies attempts to DE-STABILIZE the ME.
YES, I find it hard to believe this " SURPRISE ATTACK " happened given how good.Israeli Intel is, sorta like.Pearl Harbor.
Israel is doing what should been done years ago to " NEUTRALIZE " Hamas . Urban fighting is BLOODY , HARD and SLOW with plenty of casualties on both sides. Iran continues through its proxies continues its USELESS attempt to wipe Israel off the map.If Iran REALLY wanted peace, they would have their proxies at the table with Israel , negotiate an agreement and build a Better Place in Gaza for its people. Bibi has said before, the door is discus an agreement.
We can debate till we are BLUE - IN - THE FACE about Israel, but as a SOVEREIGN country has a right.for its people to have a safe existence.

The Israelis who have killed nearly 11,000 Palestinian civilians in the last 17 years, including hundreds of children. Do a little research. Palestinians, especially in Gaza, have suffered so much over the past 15 years of blockade and attack after attack from Israel, so they feel they have nothing left to lose.
Netanyahu received lavish gifts from billionaire friends many from the USA and traded regulatory favors with media moguls for more favorable coverage of himself and his family. Are we to start believing what the bias media prints now ?



That mindset is false. About 40 dead infants have been found many beheaded, and an elderly woman was burned alive in her wheelchair, there is no comparison to what the savage barbarian Hamas terrorists have done.

The world will be better when terrorists like Hamas become extinct! Humanity has no choice but to wipe them off the face of the earth.

Of course, the Palestinas have and will continue to suffer since Hama is in control of the Gaza strip and they know whenever they attack Israel hell will reign down in retaliation on their own people, they don’t care. Sadly those numbers don’t surprise me at all.

The Palestinians would be better off if Hamas and all terrorists were wiped of the face the earth

For that reason Hamas was created by Israel to perpetuate the conflict and eventually to turn the sheeple in the world against the Palestinians and Muslims.

The pie chart reminds me of black-on-white violent crime vs white-on-black violent crime.

You know which one is which.

As usual, liberals are very silent about it.

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The escalation of Israel’s war with Palestine will undoubtedly consolidate the Islamic world. Conservatives in the West are again talking about defending the ‘Judeo-Christian civilization in the face of Muslims’, and the radical ideology of Hamas provides them with a convenient excuse for this. However, a society of deep atheism, materialism and legalization of all kinds of perversions, which has long since abandoned traditional theology and values (and orientations), cannot be considered either Christian or Jewish. If the West, as it is now, supports Israel, it is seriously guilty of something. After all, if the devil’s civilization is on your side, then you have done something wrong. There is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian world, it just doesn’t make sense. The Islamic world, on the contrary, exists and in it, the traditions are still strong. It turns out that it is not the Judeo-Christians against the Muslims, but the Muslims against the satanic culture, against Dajjal. Biden’s idea of combining the theme of support for Ukraine with support for Israel, only underlines this: the West is always on the side of those who submit to its hegemony and serve it. Muslims were not enemies of Ukraine and allies of Russia (with the exception of eschatologically awakened Iran and Syria), but now they will be. Russia is the pole of a multipolar world. Islam is the pole of a multipolar world. Both poles oppose the West’s desperate attempts to save unipolarism and its global dominance at any cost, even at the cost of a world war. The Palestinian conflict with Israel was not the frontline of a conflict of civilizations. Now it is. Just as the tensions between Russia and Ukraine were regional in character until the Nazis in Kiev were supported by the West, the war in Ukraine has become the frontline of a global confrontation between multipolarity and unipolarity. The scope of this confrontation is growing. The situation is becoming more and more sinister. Already, billions of people on the planet are convinced that the collective West and its allies are absolute evil and the civilization of the Antichrist. Democrats, globalists and neoconservatives are leading humanity straight into the abyss. Which, strictly speaking, is what demons are supposed to do.

— Alexander Dugin

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There is no such thing as “Judeo-Christian” this and that.
Joos flatly reject that notion.

It is only some idiotic Christians who want to cozy up to Satanic Pharisee Joos. (Remember what Jesus said about them? Today’s Judaism is Pharisee, and they’re proud of it.)

There are some more idiotic Christians who call themselves “Christian Zionists” and support Israel no matter what it does.
Netanyahu years ago laughed at them,

Bill Clinton, a known draft dodger, once proclaimed that he was willing to die for Israel, saying “I would personally get in a ditch, grab a rifle, and fight and die.”

Another proof the corrupt and criminal Clintons are Jooish.


An entire family wiped out by Hamas.

This is not biblical teaching, but more or less war mongering!

DEVELOPING: Preacher Greg Locke said that Israel should destroy the Dome of the Rock so we can get the Third Temple rebuilt and usher in the Second coming of Jesus.