Israel Declares State of War

Excellent explanation! So, do you believe that the building of third temple is one that is cause for the last war?

In other words it was the colonialists who are ultimately responsible for the mess that they created and to this day have been trying to mask that mistake with violent oppression and aggression.

Actually, King Herod (Herod the Great) already built the third Temple and it got destroyed.

So much for the arrival of the Jooish messiah. There will be none.

By the way, the Wailing Wall has nothing to do with Solomon’s Temple. The wall is only the part of a walled fortress the Romans built.

This is demolition time.

Don’t know how much truth there is to this seeing its western media that is reporting on this story and the motives behind such breaking news.
Does that now mean that Iran is now in the cross hairs of the west’s broadening war ambitions with coalitions such as NATO and now fighting a two war front in order further bankrupt the US when unfettered immigration is going to cause problems domestically?

This is the aftermath of Israeli bombings through Gaza!

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Without a doubt !!!
Now US dollars will flow to Israel . Some fight for oil, some for land and others for the BenJamins !!!


Is the mosque the same as the wailing wall?

The very reason the US should stand down !!!
Our Congress and senate is filled with rich J**ws , let them finance the war if they care so much . What happens in the ME is of no concern to me or my family . Why is it all those liberal doves who preach peace are up in arms now ? We don’t need this shit to hit our shores !!!


What does a Reps or Sens religion have to do with their job. Those that DISPARAGE the JOOS in the House and Senate should turn their EYES to the SQUAD. They hardly COLLECTIVELY resemble anything close to common sense.
Lets stop the REGIOUS HOLIER THAN THAN THOU MUD SLINGING and judge members of both houses on their individual stances.


It wont be LONG before HAMAS comes BEGGING to Israel to negotiate.

Strange no parade of happy emojis like when they’re gunning down Israeli womenand children…

How many women and children does Israel kill every time it bombs (with American-supplied F16 and missiles) Palestinian living quarters in Gaza?

I bet you saw the video footage where apartment buildings collapse as a result of Israeli attack, ostensibly against the Hamas.

It’s ridiculous to claim the Palestinians should evacuate. They have nowhere to go. Gaza is a prison city.


Kidnapping Arab children.
How many centuries have the Joos been kidnapping Christian children in Europe?

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How could this administration missed the intel on the attack on Israel?


Why dont you bitch about Hamas using their people as HUMAN SHIELDS by storing ammo etc in residential areas to receive GOOD PR and PITY for these lives lost. Israel tries its BEST to limit UNNECESSARY civilian casualties.

Fear is tool that is being used now and Iran has reason to feel as such!

Not looking good for world peace or any kind of cease fire talks

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Gaza is a prison city, consisting of residential buildings. The whole city is taken prisoners by Israel, intent on killing off Palestinians.

Arab lives don’t matter. Neither do Ukrainian lives.