Israel Declares State of War

That’s the kind of people Bibi Netanyahu was making fun of.

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Do they look like crisis actors to you?
To me, they do.

I don’t know what to believe anymore, but I am willing to be open minded of the fact that our financial system is about to collapse and the “Deep State” needs an off ramp to a failing narrative on the Ukraine war. Why are they not talking about the Ukraine war now? Now its Israel and a possible 3rd World War. The War to end all wars! Jihad and the West is the perfect storm to fulfill biblical prophecy.

Is this what we call predictability?

Weren’t they the folks who (supposedly) killed bin Laden, and later got eliminated in a helicopter crash?

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Absolutely. There was never a doubt.

And taxpayers would be far better off if we stop sending cash to Israel . We are close to getting in the middle of a war with Iran , Russia and the so many J*w haters in the middle East . WHY ???

Biden sent $ 8,000,000,000 TAXPAYER dollar to Israel , when does the well run dry ?

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Sigh! This was just a payoff foe the theater that they want us to buy in order to justify to wanton need for war!

People who have served in clandestine operations call it “DIA” and know what that means.

They intend to do a lot of killing!

A plane carrying advanced armaments “designed to facilitate significant military operations” has arrived At the Nevatim Airbase in southern Israel, the Israel Defense Forces said.

“We are grateful for the US backing and assistance to the IDF, and to the State of Israel in general, during this challenging period. Our common enemies know that the cooperation between our militaries is stronger than ever, and is a key part in ensuring regional security and stability,” the IDF said in a statement. PER: AP

This is an interesting graphic that tells a story in the simplest way.


Iran has little to do with Hamas. It was created by the usual suspects: Mossad and CIA.
And of course the Neocons in Washington DC who WANT WWIII.

What has Russia got to do with this mess?
Unless your name is Zelensky, nobody claims to have found any connection.

You will find J-- haters every where, not just in the Middle East. Try to answer the question yourself, why?



Why? It’s the devils work, that’s why!


That’s right!
Jesus called the Pharisees little devils. (My adaptation)

Joos today call themselves Pharisees and are proud of it.

May I ask why you are so anti J**? I’m not being an ass… I’m just curious.

I have friends in NYC and Israel who are Jooish.
I am not anti-Jooish.

I am anti-Pharisee and anti-chauvinism. But that’s a mouthful to say, so I simplify things.

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What constitutes being anti-Joo? Can you provide some examples?

I know from my past comments here might be construed as being anti-joo, but I am just highly critical of their lobbying power in Washington DC and their history of their many different influences in various industries as well as their politics particularly their support for the left’s degeneracy, but that doesn’t make me anti-Joo.

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Is Roger Waters “antisemitic”