Is it time to abandon our troops AGAIN?

Your description of America’s wars as mere “foolishness” really does beg the question…

Really, did it beg any questions when trump declared them so. In fact he had harsher words than I for them….

Well if you’re referring to non military confrontation, then you’re no doubt aware of the espionage that the US engages and has engaged ourselves…

Btw, you never did source me the true, accurate and unbiased news I should be listening to…?

Totally agree. The one thing that Nixon did, to which I give him credit for is what he did for the National park service and conservation. If I am correct, he did more for conservation than any president in history, aside of course Theodore Roosevelt.

IMHO, I believe Nixon was more liberal than conservative as he was from California and might explain his corruption bonafides!

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Hidin Bidin has the U.S. looking like the 98lb weakling.

Peanut brain Carter was a fucking moron and left our 52 hostages for 444 grueling days with savages . That peanut brain didn’t do shit . The world knew Carter was weak and unable to deal with any crisis . When Reagan took over all that bullshit STOPPED !!!
The reason why the Iranians released the hostages on the SAME day and at the SAME hour that Reagan was sworn in BECAUSE As president he had strength and resolve. Fuck you liberal pansy ass turds that walk around with flowers in your fucking hair so you can pretend to be pacifist and get out of fighting for anything because you are the worst cowards in the World . FUCK YOU VERY MUCH ASSHAT .

I’m sure Trump would be considered one of those shills as he and his daughter both manufacture most of their goods their….:thinking:

What does Hunter Biden produce ??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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The demoRATS shipped them overseas just like they decimated every City in their control . And it’s because of you cheap motherfuckers that want cheap products while you are demanding $15 an hour to say “wants fries with tha” ! Bleeding heart liberals are ok with foreigners earning less than $1 an hour and children working long hours to make your crap while you whine about those poor border kids . Fuck you very much asshole !


Nixon was trying to counter the Soviets by partnering up with China the hope was China and the Soviets would devour each other in a fight . Nixon wanted China and the Soviets to counter any threat aimed at America . But we all know you can’t ever trust a commie or a Monty !


Donald Trump was really an isolationist (or “non-interventionist,” to use the term preferred by some). I am not.

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Yep, I gathered that……

Yes, the US also conducts espionage. But the US does not attempt to dominate its region–and, eventually, the entire world–as China does.

And I did mention Fox News and the Wall Street Journal. (If you choose to refuse these sources, that is certainly your prerogative; but you really should not claim that I never suggested any such sources to you.


Good lord that’s completely naive. The United States military budget dwarfs that of every other nation on earth and we maintain troop presence in 80 countries with 750 military bases around the world, not only to dominate our region but obviously well beyond.

So it’s your opinion that Fox and WSJ are true, accurate and unbiased…:thinking:

I am not so enthused by Nixon when it comes to opening trade with China. I wish it never would have happened. My overall view of Nixon is confounding to say in the least. He did a lot of good things but his resignation amid the watergate scandal certainly tarnished his legacy forever.

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MY GOD , YOU ARE DENSE !!! More CNN homo bullshit from the number 1 F-A-G .

Around 35% of the US military budget is for salaries , housing , medical , and travel , What does China spend on those line items ASSHOLE ?

Saudi Arabia leads the world in military spending per capita.

Military spending in the United States accounts for somewhere near 45% of global military spending, and the current military budget accounts for a little over 4% of GDP. U.S. expenditures as a percentage of GDP ranks 25th out of all countries surveyed.

The point was montycrusto loves to point out shit but never bothers to discuss Billyboy Clinton , that weak fuck peanut farmer Carter , the great divider of this nation Obozo , Lyndon , civil right , Johnson , that allowed A total of 58,202 Americans died as result of this war.A total of 2,338 were reported as missing in action. I’m not saying I supported Nixon but what about these scumbag …
John F. Kennedy, by contemporary standards, was a serial sexual harasser, if not a likely assaulter. While physically in the White House he carried on sexual trysts with subordinates and others without security clearances, mostly with the full knowledge of the complacent White House press corps.
Lyndon Johnson was not just a serial adulterer and often corrupt, but displayed a level of crudity that would now be seen as clinical, from conducting business while defecating on the toilet to exposing his genitals to staff .
It’s a one -way street with that asshole , he completely ignores the glaring mis-deed of those rotten corrupt demoRATS . FUCK THAT MORON .

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