Is it time to abandon our troops AGAIN?

So, it is “naive” to assert that the US has no intention of “dominat[ing] our region”–and even “well beyond” it–simply because of our ubiquitous presence around the world?

Have you never heard of self-defense–and a serious preparation for it?

We were caught flat-footed when WWII broke out, in 1939 (and we were required to enter it in late 1941).

I would not wish to be caught like that again.

Note: Many of the countries where we have a military presence–including the defeated Axis countries of WWII–welcome our presence there.

I certainly do.

If you think otherwise, that is certainly your right.

But to claim (as you did) that I never mentioned these is simply erroneous–and disingenuous.

He is like some collrge football coaches resigning one step ahead of the NCAA over recruiting violations and grade fixing.

Um, our ubiquitous MILITARY presence around the world….

We absolutely were not caught flat footed when WW2 broke out. For one, that war was ragging for well over two years before we joined it and secondly, Roosevelt was actively provoking Germany in the Atlantic and Japan in the pacific in various ways to strike first. Secretary of war Stimson well documented this in his journals at the time…and there’s the matter of a 1932 US naval exercise which included a mock attack on Pearl Harbor which demonstrated to the navy that it was not a suitable base for the pacific fleet as it was too shallow and its entrance too narrow, which is why the pacific fleet was stationed at San Diego and remains so to this day….

Admiral Richardson however aware of the 1932 exercise was ordered to move the pacific fleet from San Diego to Pearl Harbor which so enraged him that he immediately flew to Washington DC and confronted Roosevelt and was summarily fired and replaced by admiral Kimmel who moved the fleet to Pearl Harbor.

And there’s a hell of a lot more evidence of Roosevelt’s intentions and preparations for getting US involved in WW2……

The Dems way of Depression Recovery.

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And on a most general basis I would certainly disagree with the notable exceptions of perhaps Chris Wallace and Brit Hume….

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Coming from a dipshit that preaches CNN and the democratic underground , no big surprise there . Why do you even bother to comment on wars you are clueless about ? So your big claim is the USA knew about the Japs bombing Pearl Harbor two years in advance but did nothing ? Even for a rat dem that seems a total line of bullshit Franklin D Roosevelt was a ass but >>>>>>>>

:smiling_imp: :angry: :skull_and_crossbones: :poop: :clown_face:

[quote=“montecresto1, post:382, topic:10612”]
is the premier source for biased and non-factual news………:thinking:
[/quote] MONTYCRUSTO OF COURSE ! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Imagine… you picked those two. :joy: :joy: :joy:


THERE IS THAT HINT OF GAYNESS WITH THEM SO MONTY IS ATTRACTED :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And Hunter ? Billy Carter ? Hillary ? Slick willie ?, Obozo ? Nancy ? Chuck ? FDR ? FJB ? :thinking: :thinking: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You continually project your negatively distorted thoughts on others we are highly irritated with your trolling. You have deteriorated to the point that almost anything that comes out of your keyboard isn’t even dumpster worthy.
Your brain went offline years ago. Your mind is always occupied with little boys which makes it impossible for you to approach anything complex or factual when your spaced out about gayness. You are blinded mentally which inevitably leads you to twist things around into a complex word salad of lies and utter bullshit.
You have substantial unresolved issues with sex and need to face the fact your gay as hell, the closet isn’t a safe place for you!

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“They caught us flat-footed,”[Lieutenant Colonel Claude A.] Larkin unabashedly wrote Major General Ross E. Rowell of the events of 7 December [1941]."

As to a more general observation: You appear to be a conspiracy theorist–which I definitely am not…


I am unsure just where we have a military presence that is resented by the leaders of the respective countries in question.

Lol, here you’re a Trumper and yet doing exactly what he instructed you not to do….attempting to give Biden credit for his vaccine…:joy:

How, exactly, is the vaccine Trump’s???

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There’s several countries where US troops are operating without the countries permission or invitation and to make matters worse without congressional authority. And many of the poorer countries where we have troops stationed are interested in the money we pay for the privilege or welcome the protection. But the founding fathers were against standing armies, the primary reason for the second amendment, and they absolutely wouldn’t (and indeed didn’t) commit troops for the defense of other nations, especially for money like mercenaries…
Hypocritical Americans would be absolutely wringing their hands if Russia or China’s militaries were stationed all about the world….

What conspiracy did you think I subscribe to….:thinking:

Btw Didge, the Trump vaccines, developed at his instruction and via his operation warp speed, oddly enough has the ire of his most ardent supporters, a quite comical irony….:thinking::joy:

Any that has to do with Trump.

Trump vaccine… Trump vaccine… Trump vaccine… Trump, Trump Trump, Trump, Trump… damn!!!