Impeachment Vote Completed - Trump Impeached

Nice video. If republicans stood behind him on day one in office they would be just fine. Congratulations they are standing firm with him now.

Where were they after inauguration? Condemning, disavowing, refusing to budge and do a single line item of his platform he ran on. Literally allying with the democrats, except for missile strikes in Syria then they all applauded.

No, the Republicans are to blame for this as well. In fact, I blame them more than the Democrats. I expect the behavior we have seen over three years from them. The behavior of the Republicans over the past 4 years, adding in the primaries, has been an abomination

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Wow, that was ummm…kind of scary. :grimacing:

So, Trump was impeached for:

Abuse of power.
What did he abuse with the power of the Presidency?

Obstruction of Congress.
Erp, every time a President vetoes a bill or joint resolution they obstruct Congress.

Why he was really impeached?

He cut the democrats off at the knees as they were just seeing their progressive movement gain momentum. They were slapped down by the American people who voted for Trump.

Trump had the gall to side with his voters and not be pressured by politics.nor become one of the swamp who will play nicely in the sandbox.

This infuriated the democrats as they saw people they’d spent years cultivating start to wonder about their agenda.

So, Trump had to be stopped. Ergo, so do the American people.

And, IMO, THIS is what the impeachment is all about.

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She must have been drinking HARD last night. Woah.

I am with you, but castigating the entire party because of the motives of the big club that is controlled by COC is not entirely accurate either. Ya know like cocaine Mitch, Thune, Romney, Corwin, Portman and others I am leaving out that comprise of the “The Big Club”? I only put those videos there because we will see a lot more in the days and weeks ahead! Did ya see they passed USMC? Hmmm? Democrats had no choice, nevertheless there are distractions for reasons that Tucker Carlson just articulated in another video I posted above that seriously needs attention!

White House council, Mc Connell and Graham don’t want Bolton, Mulvaney or Giuliani to testify. Graham tells Tru

Who are you? Do you want to talk about Clinton or not. Witch hunting was perfectly fine when republicans did it to the democrats…

Wrong, she has stated repeatedly that she wants to know what the rules are going to be. The balls in Mitch mc Connell’s court. He needs to pick it up and meet with her to discuss it.

Proof positive that you are flunging moron here!

Impeachment is not official until it is officially submitted to the senate! Duh! Not Withstanding your obvious ck sucking, this is a fact.

Are you suggesting that the senate has the power to declare verdict before trial?

Is Mc Connell going to allow witnesses in the senate trial???

The Democrats have managed to do something that was previously thought to be impossible: they have united the Republicans behind Trump. They will stand strong with Trump, and they will use the whole thing to bring him back around on free trade and open borders. This impeachment thing will continue well into 2020, which will also see the return of Hillary Clinton to the political scene.

The debate in the House yesterday was fascinating from a racial perspective. The Republicans who led the defense of Trump are all from districts that are 80+% White. The Democrat impeachment is clearly a ■■■ Coup. The members of the Congressional Black Caucus are just run of the mill stupid ■■■■■■■■ not at all a “talented 10th”. What a freak show.

This is impeachment of us and the traditional white American nation and the white patriarchy. Whether he has fulfilled all of our hopes, he remains an avatar for us TO THEM . This is impeachment of having a nation, having borders, rejecting the demographic and political replacement.

They’re attempting an exorcism in their minds. He’s an avatar. They look to get us (not just /us, but the wider us of which we are a part).

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Yes…and to satisfy the constituents to which many liberal Democrat Party members promised to impeach Trump. They have succeeded and really have no need (of their own making) to send the articles to the Senate. They need to milk the moment for as long as they can in their campaign ads.

A speedy trial with an acquittal at the end will take a lot of wind off their sail.

He’s one among many that wish you would stay on topic.

Not in this thread, dummy! Start your own Clinton impeachment thread.

This is an all-out attack on us. Everyone who voted, campaigned, memed, posted, marched, rallied for Trump and more importantly trumpism.

They want us all to know once they are done with him they will come for us. And we can expect the republicans to waffle with us as they have waffled with trump over the past 4 years.

No one is coming to save us when they decide to unleash the hounds upon us for being so bold to want to preserve our nation, our culture, ourselves. He will be made an example of first and we are all next.

Nope! He has no reason to discuss Senate rules with Nancy. He likely will talk with Chuckie Schumer, but Prissy Nancy has nothing to do with Senate rules. What McConnell needs to do is give Nancy the finger and go about his business.


Demographics are changing quickly all over the country - many of these Democrats know they will be reelected b/c of the changed demographics of their area - and that’s why they had no problem voting for impeachment.

They having nothing to worry about. It’s the Republicans who should be worried about their districts - I saw solid red Orange County in California flip blue in 2018 b/c of demographics - Asians who vote democrat along with illegals - no ID necessary in “Cali” (as the 3rd world calls it).

Was it not then an attack on all those that voted for Clinton when he was being impeached…