Impeachment Vote Completed - Trump Impeached

Moderators get twisted over an off topic comment but no doubt this will pass…

The Dems will be crying when Trump is not convicted in the Senate. They’ve assured themselves the loss of House seats , hopefully the voting majority and then the SQUAD will be running for lawyers.
We,the Deplorables will be dancing in the streets after President Trump is cleared by the Senate and wins 4 more years.

It’s a republican senate. Nobody ever suggested that they would convict.

Do you think that Clinton was cleared.

Btw, Mc Connell needs to recuse himself.

Not going to happen just because you want to game the system!

There’s not going to be any witness testimonies.

Yeah no shit Sherlock! I posted that point earlier, so why are you lifting that to make your point? Oh wait I know why, you don’t have one!

Completely false republican/Fox News talking point. Senators have already declared the outcome of the trial. Mc connell needs to recuse himself as he has already disqualified himself.

Yep, and the racist white bigots are freaking out…

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Freaking out? The minute it happens I’m going to play the race card just like the incompetent black girls do at work when they can’t perform the basic functions of the jobs for which they are paid.

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Interesting a the Administration claims executive privilege and the democrats demands they appear. The administration asked the SCOTUS to intervene and they have taken the case.

It would seem that if the SCOTUS rules in the administrations favor, no obstruction. If not then Trump releases the information, no obstruction. The SCOTUS will hear the case in june or july of next year.

The charge of obstruction will certainly be thrown out.

Yeah but Bill Clinton was actually liked BEFORE he was impeached…

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Hubris – Nancy Pelosi Declares: “the senate rules are unfair” – “when rules become fair we will send articles”

Here comes the commie!

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No sweetie, that’s not how it works. Don’t hurt yourself thinking too hard about such things.

Repeating yourself again? You used the same line to respond to her before! What did you do copy and paste?

Well if you know better than why don’t you explain it?

Sure. I’ll explain it. I love dunking on conservatives.

As a white woman you are in a position of privilege and power no matter if you are in the majority or in the minority.

That means when white people become a demographic minority in the United States, they will still have outsized power, as compared to minorities, simply because of their white skin.

So…no. You can’t abuse the equal employment opportunity system based on your skin color, just to act sassy in the workplace.

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So in other words you are admitting there is preferential treatment based on race! Gotcha! If you step back for moment and analyze what you just said, you will know you did more to set back your cause than you did to champion it. Wow! I think the fact you just exposed your limited capability to think, says more about dunking on yourself more than anything else!

Thanks! This made me laugh and my day! :rofl: :rofl:

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