Impeachment Vote Completed - Trump Impeached

Sondland is a civil servant and wants to remain employed in the yeas to come.

He testified in the basement under oath and changed his testimony in public.


“I told Mr. Yermak that I believed that the resumption of U.S. aid would likely not occur until Ukraine took some kind of action on the public statement that we had been discussing for many weeks,” Sondland testified.

Yermak disputes this. “Gordon and I were never alone together,” he said when TIME asked about the Warsaw meeting. “We bumped into each other in the hallway next to the escalator, as I was walking out.” He recalls that several members of the American and Ukrainian delegations were also nearby, as well as bodyguards and hotel staff, though he was not sure whether any of them heard his brief conversation with Sondland. “And I remember – everything is fine with my memory – we talked about how well the meeting went. That’s all we talked about,” Yermak says.

Sondland should be jailed for lying to congress.

…and again I say:

You and only you … with you absurd and more so misinformed statements.

How about you deal with specific positions you disagree with and avoid personal slights, if you actually want to discuss anything.

And that picture isn’t a personal slight… Get over it if you can’t take someone disagreeing with your views then maybe you shouldn’t be in the discussion. I have the right to voice how I feel about your comments the same way you can say how you feel about mine or any one else’s.

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Or maybe he should have explicitly told the new President, elected on an anticorruption platform, that the US wasn’t going to coerce the Ukrainian government with threats by the VP. No more protection for Joe and Hunter’s scam. :roll_eyes:

Oh wait, that’s what Trump did

I’ve repeatedly told you that if Biden has allegedly committed a crime or abused his office in any fashion, then Trump should have his DOJ investigate and prosecute if it warrants it.

And you’re welcome to make thread and explore that. But this thread is about Trump’s impeachment. He shares the asterisk next to his name with two other presidents. :thinking:

Address those issues then…

Anyway their are other people in the room to discuss with thanks for pointing that out. Another person offended and trying to make disinformation into undisputed facts. As each day passes this false narrative made by the Democrats and pushed by the bias media is unraveling. I could never understand how testimony clearly giving by bias self serving bureaucrats with hearsay and conjecture can by pushed on the American people as undisputed facts. I think it’s about time that people start being held accountable and that includes theses members of Congress. Trump will not be convicted in the Senate and will continue to do his work on behalf of the American people. I hope also that Bill Barr and J.Durham expose these people to the public for the fauds they are and uses them as examples to show that America does not condone this behavior.

Our libs have been out for blood since Trump won the election. Whining wussies, sore losers, & sore asses, looking for salve. DECEMBER 2016: Could Donald Trump be impeached? - YouTube

https:// /watch?v=Rx_BMTh8Ddg---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump won; waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I’m telling my mom. Heh. Better to keep your mouth shut, and have people wondering if you’re an asshole, than to say something, and remove all doubt.

Yes he has an asterisk next to his name… but neither one of those impeachments were partisan if anything you can argue this is bipartisan against impeachment.

The asterisk is next to the democrat parties’ name.

I guess really he does not even have an asterisk yet because it has not been sent to the Senate yet. Could this be correct?

That is the word. Senate has the final say.

Lots of people will be confused over this.

In the meantime, the Dems are going to soak up the headlines.


What ever happened to true independent journalism???

It is out there.

But why bother trying to find it when the MSM is shooting you straight?

Afterall, they wouldn’t be on TV if they didn’t? Right? :rofl:

It’s really sad because alot of uninformed people regard these channels as news worthy and trustworthy to the people. Then we wonder how so many people are poisoned by these bias reporting platforms. Mainstream media has to stop lying to the American people!!!

I suspect fewer and fewer Americans trust the media. The message from Fox News, and hundreds, if not thousands of talk radio stations is getting through.

But the 2016 election and the emails from the DNC showed just how subservient most media are to the DNC - to the extent of even getting ‘permission slips’ from the DNC before running stories.

Back to the OP - yep, Trump has been impeached, but hold on, none other than Noah Feldman - the first and most arrogant of the Dem’s presenters, says nope- not unless the Senate confirms it.

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They are uniformed because they just assume this is how life is for everyone under the umbrella of the United States. It is taken for granted.

IMO, there will one day be a reality check.

Yeah I read this article… but can we really trust this guy who sat before the judiciary and went on to say that these articles can be passed and called for the impeachment of the president under the constitution???