Impeachment Vote Completed - Trump Impeached

They want to taunt us into a cold civil war. What they and their globalist sh enablers will get is a big, hot and wet serving of Boogaloo.

This is where we have to be careful because I think the elites are trying to push the left and the right to fight it out in the streets. That will be their excuse to come and confiscate guns.

Is this guy serious… the very man who can’t trust the FBI to conduct a fair unbiased investigation. Wait, or maybe the news who is so very professional and neutral. The who idea of it is laughable!!!

This is absurd… because members in the house were so fair and impartial. Face it, Democrats scripted and rehearsed their whole fake crusade toward impeachment. They called all the shots and made up all the rules to benefit them. The sad thing is that now you have no say in the Senate and your rushed partisan witchhunt can’t continue on your terms. So your trying to have levage going in… but it is a sad attempt that is going to fair because once again it’s not on your terms! Mitch McConnell should put a dead on the house to pass it on and if they don’t agree it should be dismissed! This would also stop this from happening agian.

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Which guy would you be

Impeachment Was Result of ‘Partisan Rage,’ Giving In to ‘Temptation’: McConnell

But Biden being one of the born-to-rule elitists, would the sources of the testimonies be forensically impartial? As you say, I’m not sure how it works over there, but since the advent of fake news, I don’t believe a fucking word from official sources, especially governmental ones.

This isn’t the first time the House lead by Pelosi ignored the Republicans and the voices of Americans. Remember Obamacare, “you have to pass the bill to see what’s in it?”

What is happening to Obamacare these days. It took awhile but it is being unraveled.

From your article:

“Now, their slap-dashed process has concluded in the first purely partisan presidential impeachment since the wake of the Civil War. The opposition to impeachment was bipartisan. Only one part of one faction wanted this outcome,” he added.

Right, President Trump should have trusted the same agencies like the FBI that conducted a spying campaign against his administration or the CIA that recruited foreign intelligence services to do the same to investigate Joe Biden’s corruption?

For someone who lectures others to read the transcript you’re ignorant of the part where Trump told Zelensky the US AG as well as Guiliani would contact him. Oh but wait, President Trump also warned Zelensky about surrounding himself with holdovers from the previous corrupt administration. Digging up dirt on Biden indeed. :roll_eyes:

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Jimsouth. I love that story. Ladies & Gentlemen, the Bellevue Express has left the station.

From what I understand is Obolacare was recently deemed unconstitutional by a Texas judge! It may find it’s way back to Roberts again and wouldn’t that be a twist of irony?

Nothing is free; but there are the few who just eat up the bullshit.

Or maybe he should have had the most corrupt country in Europe investigate his political rival…

When you remove the individual mandate (which was done in 2017) the whole thing unravels.

Many of them were Trumpers. Sondland bought his ambassadorship from Trump…

And of course you have no proof of this which proves an earlier point of you just talking straight out of your butt hole again!

Of course! It has been dying a slow death and it needs to be put out of its misery already!

And she should be an independent…

It’s called cherry picking to make a point which doesn’t exist.