Impeachment Vote Completed - Trump Impeached

Trump was impeached because Resistance Democrats hate him, not due to evidence. That’s why it was an all Democrat vote to impeach.

There is no testimony supporting your claim the bureaucrats called for the Schiff show were “involved” in some plan to investigate Biden for political purposes. They did launch a coordinated effort to convince President Trump the Ukrainians were sincere in their efforts to fight corruption including helping the Ukrainians to draft a statement they were going to follow up on their election promises.

The votes of Trump hating Democrats aren’t evidence. Neither are your wishful claims. If you have evidence the witnesses were involved in a plot to investigate Joe Biden present it

Yes, you’ve repeated your opinion on that…

Until it goes through the Senate and they vote to impeach, Trump has NOT been impeached.

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I note the absence of any attempt to rebut the point. You cannot.

Nancy Pelosi laid out 2 requirements for a successful impeachment, overwhelming evidence and bipartisan support. Democrats failed on both counts leaving blind hatred as the most likely reason they impeached Trump anyway

All you can offer is your unsupported hyperpartisan opinion meaning you will go along with the Resistance undermining our Republic. :roll_eyes:

… money

Look here, it is quite long … sorry

No, of course THEY weren’t involved in the plan to investigate Biden. But then I never said they were, and you know that.

I said they were all involved in the scheme that was holding up the aid until Ukraine agreed to investigate Biden, and they didn’t like it. And let’s bring the witnesses to the senate trial like Bolton who stormed out in protest stating he wasn’t going to be involved in the “drug deal”. And let’s bring in Mulvaney, and the grenade thrower Giuliani.

You’re not going to see that because White House council, Mc Connell and Graham all know that Trump gets hurt by that.

That’s because I’ve successfully rebutted that opinion as many times as you’ve posted it…


Here is what you wrote, above.
The bureaucrats were somehow “involved” in a scheme to withhold aid somehow despite not knowing aid was being withheld. That is nonsense.

Trump had every justification to ask for Ukrainian cooperation in investigating the Bidens. Democrats have just manufactured an excuse for impeachment out of nothing. :roll_eyes:

BTW What is “articulated the exacerbation” supposed to mean? Did you mean exasperation? If so then you are arguing the President should be impeached for exercising his authority to conduct foreign policy inferior members of the executive branch don’t like. Nonsense. :roll_eyes:

You are delusional if you believe posting an emoji is a successful rebuttal to having your opinion defenestrated.

Nothing was rebutted by emoji…

Again, nobody has ever questioned the limits of authority that the president has in foreign policy. But the president does not have the authority to withhold tax payer money, appropriated by Congress, to his own personal interest which is what witness testimony established and one article of impeachment was predicated upon.

That is why he has joined the ranks of Johnson and Clinton with an asterisk next to his name and the footnote, impeached by the HOR.

Sorry, dear! After the House sends the articles of impeachment to the Senate, Trump has been impeached. The Senate will then vote to either CONVICT or ACQUIT him.

Sorry from me but it is too long, especially on christmas morning when there’s stuff to do :grin: . It would be useful if you can just give me the salient ‘message’, or a time in the vid where it begins. If n9t, I’ll and and remember to check it out when the dust of xmas settles?

You contradict yourself. If the President has no or unquestioned limits to his authority to conduct foreign policy then it follows he can conduct foreign policy in a manner that offends both Federal bureaucrats and political opponents. Yet President Trump has been subjected to a phony impeachment process out of partisan hatred by House Democrats with no evidence of corrupt intent. :roll_eyes:

Diplomats and puffed up Lieutenant Colonels don’t make foreign policy, the President does. We saw a parade of hand picked witnesses coached in secret committee sessions express their dismay the POTUS didn’t follow their idea of foreign policy which would have the President act as a cash register for their lavish generosity with US taxpayer dollars. The only thing proven was their hubris and Democrat malfeasance. :roll_eyes:

The case for impeachment arising from this partisan sideshow is so flimsy only Resistance Democrats could endorse it with their votes failing Speaker Pelosi’s test for impeachment. She’s even trying to extort a promise for an investigation run on similar unconstitutional terms before releasing the steaming pile of a bill of impeachment to the Senate playing games for personal benefit. :roll_eyes:

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You are quite right Asaratis, thank you for the correction. :heart:


What was presented is much like your posts, OPINION. HEARSAY. 2ND AND 3RD HAND INFORMATION.


And here’s the asterisk next to your name (monte*) which indicated perpetual liar.

Kind of thin; but our libs will do their best to magnify a questionable charge. I see absolutely nothing cut & dry. Just sore losers grasping straws.

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No I don’t. The president cannot use the power of his office to his personal betterment. And of course you understand that. I’ll remind you again of what Lindsey Graham said when the shoe was on the other foot.

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”