Impeachment Vote Completed - Trump Impeached

Why don’t you cry some more? Wha, wha, waaaa!

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71% of a 1,000 survey participants put together by the Leftists at Vox versus 63 million votes is not a hard call unless you are a Resistance crazy.

Not so long ago you were braying about having the majority in the House meant Democrats could set any rules they wanted for impeachment including denying Republicans the ability to call witnesses.
But now it’s nothing but whining when Trump asserts executive privilege. :roll_eyes:

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A supermajority of 3 people.

Ever hear of executive privilege?

Ever hear of separation of powers?

Ever hear of implied power? It’s what the House used to investigate via hearsay the executive branch. Guess what the SCOTUS has agreed to hear the case trashing your claim of obstruction.

Your little impeachment is falling apart before your eyes.

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The best part about this impeachment?

Check this out!

Liberals are suckers!

Adam Schiff is being sued too!

Very often intellectuals have no common sense or basic nous.

I fondly remember the days when liberals were known for their tolerance and respect, even when their adversaries didn’t agree with their rationale. How times change, eh?

It might be different for you as those definitions vary from culture to culture.

You have had this explained to you enough. US policy, the EU and the IMF all wanted that corrupt prosecutor gone. US aid is often tied to such things. Now, if you can prove that Biden’s intent was not that broad, but a narrow self serving interest, then have the DOJ investigate and prosecute if it’s warranted. But that has nothing to do with Trump’s very narrow self serving QPQ that would benefit his re-election ambitions.

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Of course you guys NEVER accept polling data unless you like the results.

Btw, even Fox News has quoted the ABC poll.

DUH! The entire western world is stricken by aggressive and hostile liberalism. I’m surprised you haven’t noticed. :roll_eyes:

What I said; that degree may land you a better job, but it’s common sense that keeps you alive.

Well this is different; because it doesn’t involve Trump.

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It has been explained to you that at the time Biden acted like a corrupt mob boss getting the prosecutor fired he was point man for US policy in the Ukraine meaning he had influence over the EU and IMF. Even so, Biden had a huge conflict of interest in his son Hunter.

Now if you can prove Trump’s interest was strictly in having Biden investigated, not a broader repudiation of corruption and that he pressured Zelensky to investigate Biden alone then have the DOJ investigate, otherwise there is no legal basis for the Democrat impeachment. :smile:

Question: Has Trump been impeached? Yes or No?

According to Ukraine since the election the prosecutor was not corrupt and was fired because of Biden.

At that the time Biden made his visit, Ukraine was full of corruption. Therefore, it stands to reason, those benefiting from corruption would call for the firing of the prosecutor as well.

Then do as I said.
The latter has been done and the president has been impeached as a result.