Impeachment - Pro and Con

Not when there is already evidence of their lying and spying. The truth is coming to light…slowly but surely.

Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and even Mueller are looking more like true criminals every day that goes by.

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You can’t just impeach on the grounds you want to rid the country of “Trumpism”.

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If you believe Mueller ‘s case is solid then take it up with him! He LIED when he IMPLIED that he couldn’t indict a sitting President if he had solid evidence he could have but he LIED again to Barr and in his public CYA statement.

The whole Mueller witch-hunt was illegitimate to begin with and he knew almost immediately there was NO COLLUSION and he actually needs to be indicted for pulling of the biggest SCAM and SCANDAL on the American public with his second half implications.

This whole BS is like a toxic hangover of the previous corrupt Administration that the nation may not recover from. :angry:

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Welcome Roxie…

Thank You! …

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There seems to be support for congressional inquiry.

WASHINGTON—Special counsel Robert Mueller said if he had confidence President Trump didn’t commit a crime, he “would have said so,” suggesting in his first public remarks on the Russia investigation that it was Congress’s job to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing.

Confidence, innuendo and implication does not equate to “evidence” of which Mueller had NONE! The case from the get go was illegitimate and Mueller knew from the very beginning up to conclusively 6 months into this witch hunt that there was NO Russian collusion but continued for almost 18 more months to literally write a 400 plus page “novel” of could of, maybe, possibility, as a bone to throw to the rabid Trump hating Congressional Democrats.

Mueller and his pack of Democrat dog lawyers and investigators have done more harm to this country then any foreign interference of our elections. He is part of the liberal, DNC, Hillary, Obama and socialist Congressional Democrat seditious cabal who want to overturn a duly elected President.


Why is evidence in quotations? I didn’t use that word. I spoke of a congressional inquiry on the foundation of what Mueller presented. :man_shrugging:

It entirely depends upon the circumstances.

I will take your word for it.

But any vote for an “independent” candidate is a vote wasted. (Even if all those who do not care for either the Republican or the Democratic candidate were to vote for a third-party candidate, that vote would necessarily be split among many different candidates; so either the Republican or the Democrat would win.)

Well, I suppose that that’s always a given.

And it is really hard to imagine that the circumstances here do not amount to mere harassment. (The hard left–which increasingly makes up the Democratic base–has never quite comes to terms with the fact that its Anointed One somehow lost in 2016–and to someone that it considers a mere heathen, yet.)

Well, IMO a vote for Clinton or Trump is a wasted vote.

The hard right never came to grips with Obama’s presidency either. They did everything they could to dislodge him. In fact one even said he was going to make it his mission to see to it he was a one term president…

You just don’t understand, do you? She said that confidence, innuendo and implication do not conflate to evidence. She didn’t say that you had used the word.

That is nothing but right wing talking points. The Mueller appointment was lawful and legitimate.

So was the firing of James Comey. If you doubt at all that Hillary and the Democrat Party have failed to recognize the outcome of the 2016 election as being legitimate, you are blind, deaf and stupid.

No, the hard left isn’t the majority of the democratic base, but just like you hard righties, they’re the LOUDEST. The easy going and mild mannered center, moderates, which are the biggest block, need to tell the polar fringes to shut up and they need to take over. This is why so many have abandoned both pathetic parties. Registered independents make up 42% of the electorate. They just badly need to start acting like it. Registered republicans are a scant 24%.

Prosecutors don’t exonerate anyone. Either they find enough evidence to lay a charge or they don’t.

I suspect Mueller realized his initial report was not well accepted at all among the left and he probably feared for his own safety and that of his family along with having his own very clear anti Trump bias.

Glad you made it, hope you wore your chain mail long johns.

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