Impeachment - Pro and Con

More even than that the impeachment proceedings themselves would show the country just how unhinged democrats have become since his election.

This has been building since Bush v. Gore and Hillary’s loss just put them completely over the edge.

Now they are trying to circumvent the electoral process with the “National Popular Vote” initiatives in something like 20 states hoping to steal the next election that way should the electoral map not favor democrats.

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Possible but extremely unlikely. The more likely outcome is that the public finally sees that Trump did nothing wrong and that we’re about to enter the 3rd year of the collective democratic tantrum over Hillary’s loss.

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This assumes that President Trump has been guilty of “obstructing justice”–a regular Democratic talking point…

Many of those that have ACTUALLY read the MR have stated there is sufficient evidence to warrant an impeachment inquiry. Committees already looking into obstruction are being blocked by this administration and subpoenas are being ignored. Once upon s time in the very recent past republicans claimed answering subpoenas was mandatory, but their new talking point is that they are optional.

If you are a Dem then you are missing just about everything

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There are two problems with that theory along with the complete lack of evidence.

There was no actual crime being investigated to obstruct.

A president carrying out his constitutionally required duties cannot be held liable for same.

Many partisan hacks.

Which is why he signaled to congress, pick up the mantle.

There is no evidence that there are not little green men on Mars, living underground; therefore, we should seriously entertain the possibility that there are little green men on Mars, living underground…

No, it meant there was enough to give doubt and warrant congress doing its job. Which you seem hopeful for anyway.

Horse hockey, prosecutors don’t exonerate anyone. Either they find evidence of a crime or they don’t. This is not a “guilty until proven innocent” nation.

Good points there…

or you can get Mueller to investigate but he might say he could not find sufficient evidence but under normal circumstance he could find evidence but he cant rule it out either.

I have said it before; and I will now reiterate it: Please, please impeach President Trump!

Only Democratic loyalists–and not serious analysts–might imagine that this would harm President Trump (and by extension, perhaps, the GOP).

Yes I know.

I don’t think that they should impeach Trump UNLESS, an impeachment inquiry proved meritorious, in which case hopefully GOP senators would set politics aside and do the right thing.

There is a logical fallacy known as the petitio principii fallacy. Sometimes it is simply referred to as question begging.

This is exactly what you are guilty of committing when you assert that the " set[ting aside of] politics" and “do[ing] the right thing” would mean that Republicans in the Senate would inevitably vote to convict.

You are not acting as a serious analyst here; but merely as a partisan hack…

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How so, are you saying that if an impeachment inquiry produced evidence of a high crime that you would oppose impeachment? :man_shrugging:

For openers, I have no reason to believe that such an inquiry would produce any such thing.

And since I simply cannot imagine that any reasonable person might believe otherwise, I would not support the taxpayers’ money being spent to look further into this matter.

In effect, this is simple harassment.

As Lavrenity Beria (Stalin’s deputy premier) once boasted: “Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.”

That seems to be the attitude of many anti-Trumpers…


Well then you set the stage for the next time the republicans want to investigate wrong doing of a Democratic Party politician, it will just be harassment.

Btw, I’m not a partisan, Ive always voted against the two parties and believe the system is harmed by it. I only wish that registered independents who outnumber both registered democrats and republicans would ACTUALLY vote independent and sideline those two for once.

I believe that most Americans are in the middle but have ceded ground to the loud and angry voices on both fringes.