Impeachment - Pro and Con

That is simply not demonstrable…:man_shrugging:

And like I said, credence will be given to anything in Mueller’s report that bodes well for trump, otherwise Mueller will be demonized.

Of course it’s demonstrable and if there was ever any doubt his news conference made it plain for even the blind to see.

The Mueller Report reads like the Steele Dossier. Lol

Thanks for making my point…:+1:

Justin Amash getting eaten like a good sandwich.

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It’s quite ironic that it is now we hear about Amash when he had 2 and a half years to state his dislike for the President. Because, just like every other Democrats that are calling for impeachment for the past 2.5 years - he is just trying to be like one of them. He isn’t even running for President, except to run for another term in the Michigan Senate. Representative Jim Lower (R-Michigan) is running against Amash and he will unseat Amash in 2020.

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No collusion. Your putrid Clinton woman lost in a fair and square election.

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Barr is behaving more like the President’s personal attorney. :roll_eyes:

Talking point from MSNBC.

Now tell us what your evidence is.

So what???

According to the arms transfers database of the independent international think tank, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), which compiled all transfers of major conventional weapons in the world since 1950, the US was the largest arms exporter to Iran from the 1950s to 1970s.

Remember, the Dems label us “deplorables”. Which means, to them, The Constitution doesn’t fit any of their narratives. That’s why they use anything against Trump as a form of weaponry. :smiley:

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Bullshit! He’s merely trying to enforce existing US laws…something the candyass, Sessions refused to do regarding Russiagate.

Screw you!


Barr is only following in the footsteps of Holder and Lynch…see how that screw turns.

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No he’s not. Holder and Lynch both ignored the laws and the Constitution…as did their boss, Barack Hussein Obama, the Muslim-loving President.

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Well you’re right about that…

But that’s the damn problem with partisans on both sides, and America is so polarized now that NOBODIES ever going to be held accountable for anything. The libs defended Lynch and Holder in the same way that cons are defending Trump administration officials…:roll_eyes:

Clinton labeled half of you as deplorable, only lace that shoe up if it fits…

Darlin, you wouldn’t be invited to one of their gatherings unless you could fill their coffers. So, make no mistake. You’re a deplorable to them, too.

The Dems will likely attempt to impeach, and it will fail either in the house - where Dems from districts Trump won will vote no (to either impeachment or their own future), even if it were to pass the house, the Senate would vote it down. GOP Senators, far from hiding from their vote, would advertise it, and Dems will be the ones hiding.
Safe districts full of non tax paying parasites will have Dems crowing that they voted for impeachment, but that’s all.
The only good option Dems have is to abandon impeachment, and try legislating for real- not BS bills with poison pills they know McConnell will scuttle.

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They do this to each other. Pity we have so many partisan Americans. :roll_eyes: