Impeachment Inquiry Upheld

As are mine as it pertains to the inanity of the far right. Lots of good Americans in between the howler monkeys of both the right and the left.

How do you go about ascertaining what is factual? Becuz the Examiner article is anything but.

just asking.

Well if the examiner is fake news where is your evidence to prove that it is?

Looks like more are reporting on this farce!

Well, the article you posted is a good start ain’t it now?

And “The Last Refuge” :roll_eyes:

That’s not news man…it’s opinion and emotions.

It’s the details and context that matters something the left loves to be obtuse about!

Yeah? What are your sources that you consider news worthy?

PBS, The Economist, The Conversation are a few. Military Times is another. The Atlantic often provides insightful pieces.

I don’t need a source that seeks to influence how I think or opine and I don’t live in a bubble. I’m old enough, educated enough and experienced enough to make up my own mind.

Does that help?

We do not watch cable news.

Well the same arguments you make to discredit my listed sources is the same I can make about PBS, The Economist, and The Atlantic. So I guess we can have a pissing contest, if that is your intent!

And what do you know of PBS, Economist (a Conservative weekly) or The Atlantic? Do you even know what “The Conversation” is??

I should add “Sloan Management Review” The US Army split my graduate studies between it and another school.

Have you ever watched or read any of them? Doubtful.

For the record I read the Examiner and NY Post several times a week. But I draw the line at Breitbart, and National Enquirer.

No need for a pizzing contest here. Just be honest if that’s possible.

Try really hard man…YOU CAN DO IT!

Goodnight now.

When in-country, were you only locked and loaded when you were in fear?
The 2nd Amendment isn’t about hunting, or even bears or home invaders, it is about defending the constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic.

Well you make assumptions based on what? What information do you have about me on what I read and know to make such an assertion?

Well, good for you. For the record, the Examiner is not a regular source, but occasionally they report some things that I like.

Lets not go to the level of passive aggressive behavior, as I think we at least are communicating, but the change starts with you first, I can not help you in that, only that you have to look at yourself first truthfully, anything else is projection and that never is a good look!

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Well, you posted an article form The Examiner, might I safely assume you read it also?

You provided the information.

You went first my man. If you cannot take it then don’t open the barn door.

Yes, let’s do not.

Yes, and I provided an appropriate response. You never provided facts on the contrary to support your rebuttal!

Yeah? How so? You are the one who is taking a salty attitude with everyone here, so your objection is calling the kettle black! This is not an attack, just an honest observation on how you are interacting with some of my friends here!

Yes I agree! Lets stick to facts and hope for more constructive dialogue, that very rarely happens between the left and right!

Did you see the Google search? Anything in there pertinent to the Examiner?

I’ve returned becasue I realized I’d not asked what sources of information you deem reliable. Damned discourteous of me, I trust you’ll accept my apologies.

Must go now. Living room is infested with great grandkids demanding my gruff attention and ticklings.

Here is how it works. If you dispute or degrade a source that someone has posted, you also don’t ask that same poster to provide proof. That burden belongs to you if you disagree with a source. Google and SEO results really doesn’t support your argument.

It just depends on what I am looking for. Citizen Free Press, The Last Refuge, Epoch Times, Rueters, CNBC, SquakBOX, (even with their bias BS) are sources I like for breaking news. The opinion sources when I want to read to have insight on issues that are important to me, can be from a large pallet, but I like Ace of Spades HQ, American Thinker, Kunstler, Fontpage MAG, just to name a few as there are too many to list here for that sort of thing! For the most part I am always open to reading, even Liberal Pink commie rags to gain insight how the left thinks.

Really? So I guess I’m unleashed to post whatever derp

I choose then? Without any need to provide evidence of its veracity?

What brave new world is this then?

Not that you’re biased of course…Too funny.

You’re not what I hoped you’d be, so sad.

Perhaps our time is wasted here but thanks for showing your colors.

Seek and you will find that which suits your worldview.

Really? You didn’t strike me as the sensitive snowflake type! You don’t bolster your case by dissolving to indifference, and here I though we were making progress!:rofl:

No just expressing my opinion about some sources surely you can appreciate that right? Not all us are hive thinkers Nor submit to conform to traditional news sources!

So tell us why you hate conservatives so much? Were you hurt by one ?

No it’s not, it’s news, REAL news that a federal court has upheld the impeachment inquiry process. Deal with it.

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