Impeachment Inquiry Upheld

Yep, you know that republicans are panicked when they of all people begin demonizing Purple Heart recipients and veteran war hero’s. A colossal melt down…

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Purple Heart recipients are assholes too.

This is why all you hear coming from them is process complaints. On subject, Trump’s getting his nuts crushed by one witness after the next all testifying that the president was holding up Ukrainian aid until they complied with his request for an investigation into his 2020 challenger.

Many of the witnesses have volunteered that they are willing to testify in public hearings.

And we learn yesterday that concerns were raised about the transcript of Trump’s phone conversation with the president of Ukraine on the basis that key information was removed before Trump made it public.

Again, the cover up is more damning than the original crime as the chief red hatter continues to obstruct.

Meanwhile the Cuckoo has found its nest!


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True, they don’t dare venture out on the substance limb. Process will be eliminated from further discussion with tomorrows vote and they’ll be left with nothing but poo to fling.

And there is somethign else in these provisions.

On Tuesday night the House Judiciary Committee released a set of impeachment protocols to go along with the broader resolution that the House will likely vote on this week, outlining the public phase of its impeachment inquiry.

The new impeachment protocols offer the President the due process rights that Republicans complain have been absent in the inquiry, but they come with a twist.

A provision in the package says that if the President “unlawfully” refuses “to make witnesses available for testimony to, or to produce documents requested by” the committees currently leading the impeachment probe, the House Judiciary Committee chairman will have the right to deny the due process procedures outlined in the procedures.

So unfair

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Not at all. In fact I still send birthday and Christmas cards to my ninety three year old John Bircher Uncle!

He, on the other hand, refuses to speak to me becuz I voted for the black guy back in '08. :laughing:

I’ll take a look at your favorite news sources but in the end I prefer real news reporting and will not base my views on the opinions of those I do not know nor have any experience of.

On another note…I left the GOP in 2004 when a brother in arms was swift boated, led by more than a few chickenhawks. I’d still vote for a true conservative if there are any out there.

I’m not seeing any.

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Actually that’s not true at all. Have you been paying any attention to the numbers of witnesses being deposed which have corroborated one another in testimony against Trump?

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Actually panic is setting in. Note that all but a few GOP congress critters are now running away from cameras and microphones?

Republican Impeachment Panic Sets In

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If Trump is impeached, the nation will see, in the trial the shrill speeches in the guise of questions from Democrats. They will also understand that what Trump did was at worst a pretty minor Presidential peccadillo and certainly not worth impeachment. If the public is allowed in the gallery, then expect a barrage of paid screamers to disrupt the proceedings very often- not a good look for Dems.

The Senate will vote not guilty - along party lines - and that will be that.

The Dems will of course go ballistic (they have no other mode) and declare the GOP to be worse than Hitler, Stalin Pol Pot etc. in hopes of getting high snowflake turnout.

I don’t believe Mr. and Mrs Regular Citizen will feel that Dems are the direction they want to see the country go. Selfish, self pitying Milies will vote for Dem. promised debt relief, and some Blacks will vote for free money, er, reparations, but in the main I don’t see America embracing the socialism lite and hatred of Caucasian males the DNC advocates.

Not all Caucasian males. Just some.

Yep yep, that’s what you guys would have said about it had Obama done the same thing…

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In all honesty, with the exception of very few at the margins - ‘we’ would have- just as ‘we’ did with Clinton’s cigar antics.

There are some far right folks here, but in the main the American public knows when one side is trying to imprison for a parking ticket. This is also why the GOP got reamed after the failed impeachment of Clinton.

Clinton was smoother than Trump (really almost anyone is smoother than Trump) and that helped, yet as roughhewn as Trump is, Americans still have a sense of proportion, and I still believe that outside of the hardcore left pole of the Dem. party, people will see this as quite similar to Clinton’s infractions.

A marinated cigar and a blow job equates to strong arming a foreign leader into searching for dirt to help a campaign?

How would a blow job help a Clinton re-election campaign?

Being a horn dog is not the equivalent of strong arming a foreign leader to do a current occupants bidding.


“They’re going to lie and say that a lot of people who watched my impeachment didn’t watch, and that’s going to be very bad and unfair, but it’s not going to change the fact that my impeachment will be a great impeachment, a really beautiful impeachment,” he said.

Hmmm, either you are willfully ignorant that Clinton lied under oath and suborned perjury or- have you even read anything about his impeachment or was your comment based on a Google image search of “marinated cigar and blow job”?

An Andy Borowitz piece? Borowitz writes satire (and with mediocre ability). Are you unable to understand the difference between news and satire as well?

I’m guessing you were taught by hardcore liberals, as it would seem you missed some key concepts.


OK - caught the small case “not” part, still…

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But I was talking about Obama…:man_shrugging:

So was I - you seem to assume everyone outside the left pole is a rabid Obama hater.

No, but you typed Clinton.

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