If anybody that needs to be tried its various members of the Democratic party, because that is the true criminal organization starting with Hillary and Obama. So yeah, your question is really dumb! Take another hit on the bong because whatever you are smoking certainly has you living in alternate reality and not in tune with the actual facts!
“I just watched a little of the news on TV. It’s a disgrace.” – “It’s Adam Schiff making up stories.” – “Democrats are going lose the election and they know it. That’s why they are doing it.” – “It should never be allowed.” – “I have to put up with Adam Schiff on an absolutely perfect phone call with the new president of Ukraine. That was a perfect call.” – “But Adam Schiff doesn’t talk about Joe Biden and his son walking away with millions of dollars from Ukraine, and then millions of dollars from China.”
You do know that Impeachment without a senate conviction is useless as penis in a lesbian bar
What the democrats havent figured out is , if they get a impeachment vote now they will get killed in the general election
As people will finally figure out that this is just political maneuvering and nothing about the President breaking the law
It will not only galvanize his base, those who were on the fence will see the Democrats as the pathetic losers they are
If Biden wins the Democrat race his videos of him bragging that he forced the Former Ukrainian president to fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son’s firm, a son who is a druggy, loser and was banging his late brother’s widow
If Warren wins, they will use her Native indian lies to get ahead to nail her among her other B.S she was apart of
The Democrats dont get it, Trump is from the Roy Cohn School of Hard Knocks, this is a guy that knows how to play dirty to get ahead
Biden and Warren doesnt and they think the upcoming election will be about policies?
Everything these clowns try to do fails and they end up looking like a bunch of frustrated screeching idiots. I hope they really ramp up impeachment proceedings, it would be a complete shitshow.
Oh make no mistake about it; I’m a Brit but I’m all for The Donald, Leaving aside his eccentricities and idiosyncrasies, he’s the best president you’ve had for decades. As for Pelosi - the least said, the better, especially as she’s a jesus freak.
Re-reading the whistleblower report and something struck me…
In its desperation to find some way to discredit this report, Team Trump has probably made things much, much worse. Trump now believes that the whistleblower was out to depose Trump, and a large group of White House officials (aka “spies”) aided and abetted the WB in his efforts
But the whistleblower got all his/her information in the course of routine “interagency business”. He/She wasn’t looking for damaging information on Trump, it came to him/her. (a fact that the media seems to have overlooked, while repeating GOP talking points that the whistleblower did not witness the call itself.)
Now, Trump is on a tear, looking for “spies” in every nook and cranny of his organization. There is almost certainly an actual “witch hunt” going on in the White House. And given the complete amorality of the people left there, what better time to settle scores than when the President is looking for people to blame for a disaster?
Everyone in the White House is running for cover – and most are pointing fingers at each other.
This is a prosecutor’s dream. Every person in the room during the call is a potential co-conspirator in an extortion plot, and everyone who helped cover it up is also directly involved. And that is also true of anyone who doesn’t co-operate fully with any investigation. And there is no executive privilege for crimes.
So I don’t see Schiff having a lot of uncooperative witnesses — the biggest problem is going to be Nunes.
And this is why a select committee needs to be convened – with the power to grant immunity to witnesses who cooperate fully. Dems need to be able to control the flow of information in this investigation – and the only way to do that is to keep it away from the GOP until its time for public testimony.
Just as there is no 4th amendment right to privacy if crime is involved. But as that right is only violable after a judge rules that there is reasonable suspicion, and signs off on a search warrant, privilege will hold until a court rules there is reason to suspect crime is being hidden.
White House personnel will meed court rulings to be brought in for testimony. Something that concerns me is the national-security exception in the Nixon privilege ruling.