How much of the bible is real history?

I expected better from you given your other posts.

I don’t do requests for people that don’t know Wikipedia exists. I thought you were one of those Market Trader guys. They should be able to explain all about Black Swan events, but the origins of it are about logic.

I will do my research then, as I am usually busy trading like today, NZD/USD and USD/CAD are presenting some good opportunities! I thought by asking you that you could give me a brief synopsis so that I could cut to the chase! :grin: Who is “they”? BTW thanks for ignoring the rest of my post! I am a believer just not in the same mold as traditionalists! I am of the Dyer school of thought!

“A black swan is an event or occurrence that deviates beyond what is normally expected of a situation and is extremely difficult to predict. Black swan events are typically random and unexpected.Dec 13, 2017”

Black Swan re-wrote the logic texts…

If God has no gender how is it Christ specifically refers to God as his “Father”?

OK this is something that is getting closer to my wheel house, Dragon King and Epistemology (Kant) which BTW lost or couldn’t defend their arguments against the Post Modernist Philosophers such as Nietzsche, Heidegger, Darrida. (Origin of Knowledge) Taleb I am familiar with and now understand what you are articulating here.

Seriously? How is it that you know that “God” is a he? Does he have a penis? Does he reproduce along Human terms? Just because Jesus refers to God as Father, it is possible that it can be inferred as being fatherly, authoritarian, not necessarily a “he” among Human terms in which humans can understand!

He refers repeatedly to “God the Father”, not fatherly, not asexually, but as “The Father” and “My father”.

It doesn’t get much clearer than that.

So what you are saying that God is a male? Let me be clear in what I am asking.

According to what we know from the bible, yes, God is a male.

Well then that means he can also reproduce like a male too, which means he has a penis! You do know that Father is a term that is human, not necessarily “God” itself right?

Right! A book written by man inspired by God!

You have a better source to argue from?

Why would I need a source, isn’t what we are talking about is the "Bible? You can’t even prove “God” exists? Nor can you prove what Gender God is therefore is subjective, much like Truth is!

Only if you choose to ignore the source.

The existence of the universe itself is proof of God. There is no math that can support the theory that the universe formed from nothing or without a guiding hand.

Above and beyond that the calculations as to abiogenesis being possible show the likelihood to be less than 1:10^250th power.

The proof is all around you but no one can make you see or accept it.

Who said about ignoring the source, I just don’t define God the same way you do! Also you are skirting the question! You can not anymore prove that there is a God as I can not say there is no God, so therefore I revert back to my original assertion that nobody can prove the gender of God. There is no empirical evidence or hard fact to back up your claim!

Again you are making an assumption in what I believe. IS that your Christian dogma talking?

Your posts make it clear what your beliefs are. If they don’t you need to do either a much more honest or better job of expressing your beliefs.

My belief in ID are not particularly Christian but there are based on math and science.

I accept ID because of the math, I accept Christianity as it was how I was raised and it supports the ID model of the creation of the universe.

Really? And what are those beliefs that you think are mine? I seriously doubt you know, but go ahead humor me!

As far as your own beliefs, that is great and I respect that, I don’t necessarily agree with it, but I respect them!

You express a complete disbelief that God has a gender and specifically that he is male in spite of what is written in the only known source on the subject.

That indicates a complete disbelief in all that is written therein so that would be a complete rejection of both Christianity and Judaism.

Faith does not require proof but still I offered you the proof which you reject out of hand.

You are being intellectually dishonest by refusing to debate the topic. I asked you a question in regards to God being Gender specific and you chose to be obtuse and ignore my response. You also don’t want to acknowledge legitimate questions that I raised by providing a reasonable answer. If god is gender specific then that means he can pro create. Why would the almighty God want to pro create along the lines in human terms? You obviously can’t see the absurdity of your presupposition as something being absolute when in fact it is not. Why is it that Christians also try to paint God in human terms? The Bible was written by man and thus is fallible along with it full of contradictions.

No I do not express a complete disbelief in God, and who said that the source can not be questioned? Stagnated thinkers like you? Again you are completely wrong in presuming what I believe in. You decided to make up your mind about me and what I believe in, and thus is the problem with most Christians rooted in their dogma because they refuse to be open minded nor be inclusive of their spiritual beliefs or for that matter be able to defend their beliefs with a reasonable argument. You are no more a believer than I am based on your contradiction that you present as an argument!

No you did not offer any proof. Like I said before you can not provide empirical evidence on the contrary!

The only person being dishonest here is the guy you see in your mirror every morning.

God is referred to as “My Father”, “Father” and “The Father” repeatedly by Christ.

God did procreate, he produced a living son on earth named Jesus.

As for your last I most certainly did with both the creation of the universe itself and the mathematical improbability of abiogenesis absent a guiding hand.

As I said, you refuse to accept the evidence which in no way makes an argument that it hasn’t been presented.

Again, if you were not expressing your beliefs in your posts either you aren’t being honest about them or you are very poor communicator. Your posts are all we have to go on.

I believe you still might be missing my point.

Those who aren’t believers continue to try and decipher the bible from a secular perspective. To what purpose?

Believers see the bible as the word of God. No amount of secular interference will change that. In fact, just the opposite is the likely result.