House votes to send AOI to the senate

Pressure grows on House GOP leaders to hold line ahead of impeachment trial

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They are starting to sweat Monte! You are catching hell from the Trumpers because they KNOW without a doubt that the jig is up and that their house of cards is about to come crashing down. The rats are all jumping ship!

Here…I just watched Giuliani’s associate Lev Parnas explaining in great detail how Trump tried to pressure the Ukrainian government to prosecute Biden to get reelected then lying to cover it up. Then I saw Trump deny the obvious, saying he “does not know” Parnas despite countless pictures and videos showing them together. Incredible. These Trumpers are so blind and willfully ignorant it’s amazing!

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See - the best you can come up with when the lies are exposed is a stupid reaction gif (which the PB mods have publicly warned you about). Keep squirming. It’s so enjoyable to watch. Trump is going down for his crimes and his lies are being exposed by the second.



Yes… I can respond by just posting images too. Except mine are actually high quality and fact-based. Try not to hurt yourself when you dig up your next low-quality meme.



This is not a reaction meme thread.

John Adams, an accomplished lawyer before becoming our second president, put it best. “We are a nation of laws, not of men.”

We are “innocent until proven guilty,” and our guilt must be proven “beyond a shadow of a doubt.”

Unless your Trump and have the current House and Senate democrats.

Kamala Harris Claps Back at Trump’s Twitter Dig After Dropping Out of 2020 Race: ‘See You at Your Trial’

Apparently she as many democrats have predetermined the outcome.
But the boy will say, the GOP will blindly follow Trump. If that were the case it would be dismissed the first day.

Are you saying that Trump is not lying about his association with Lev Parnas?

Did you read the comments?

To respond to your comment,
Could it be Parnas is a liar and will say anything to save his own ass?
No people never lie when it’s what you want to believe.

Look at you…in your world anyone who pays any attention to a vice president’s son sitting on the board of a corrupt company making large sums of money is a nut job conspiracy theorist, right?

There is zero possibility that there was any money laundering or bribery. In fact, you arent even allowed to look into it, right?

Oh…but Lev Parnas is the new savior of the Democrats. Just like the Creepy Porn Lawyer before him.

Parnas has documentation supporting his claims. It should be clear by now that the desperate red hatters will slay ANYBODY that presents damaging evidence on the president. Even if it’s friends or fellow republicans. Trump was absolutely right about one thing, he could be viewed in broad daylight committing murder and those people, that undying base, WILL NOT DEFECT.

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I doubt Trump will be impeached; I mean our Dems have been working on impeaching him since he won the election. You know, sour grapes. Still, should he have to step down, America will be the worse for it. If anything, Liberals thrive on extinguishing any glimmer of hope.

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That’s already history. He’ll have that asterisk next to his name for LIFE…

Yow, not an asterisk; say it ain’t so.

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If it’s not such a big deal then why are Republicans so upset about Trump correctly being impeached?

It’s a lonely club…

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Keep laughing @montecresto1 and @FiredUpDem

Y’all are about to get the tar beat out of you.


Yeah, Ted Cruz