Hey fruitcake…whatsamatta? Get cold feet?
12th amendment, commie fucktard.
Who you talking Matt.
The point of government is to govern by compromise.
That is the lost art which is obvious today as we roll from left to right with neither able to effectively govern.
That is because they are the same on two sides of the coin! They all belong to same social country club!
Well that was prophetic op…
well that missed the mark.
Nope, not going to happen…
That is the MO of trolls.
We haven’t lost, troll.
Biden and Company is attempting to steal the Oval Office by way of treason.
It ain’t over 'til the fat lady sings…at the hangin’s!
Recent rejection of cases by some judges is intended to hasten the case’s presentation to the SCOTUS. Time’s a-wastin’!
Always what happens when your talking to your intellectual inferiors…
And that is why many reject the democrat party. Your imagined intellectual superiority based on a HS degree is why we have the divided country which will never unite as long as people like yourself continue to reject half the country as inferior. Your laughable superior intellect allowed you to vote for the village idiot with dementia. Pathetic as you expect half the country to accept him as president which will never happen. Expect the same as you and the left gave the right for the next 4 years.
This is true, after four years of mocking losers and talking up winning, he simply cannot stand the notion that he lost, and in his words, to a sleepy old man, mentally and physically weak, and his intellectual inferior. So, he’d prefer to go out a victim, and therefore, despite his utter inability to prove any fraud in the courts, he’ll live the rest of his life a victim…
Monte, why don’t you give President Trump alot of credit and respect gor fighting a war the Demorats started , and was still able to isolate Iran, have the foresight to sit down with Lil Kim and have the tax cuts passed that benefited everyone.
The Commiecrats are jealous of President Trump that he has accomplished more in 4 yrs than Schmoebama could in 8, let alone 12 yrs.
Their jealousy was part of their attempts to SUBVERT his Presidency.
He hasn’t isolated Iran, he pulled out of the JCPOA and since then they have enriched 12 times the uranium that they had when he did so. Why do you think Israel is assassinating Iranian scientists again. The tax cut wasn’t paid for. I thought you guys were fiscal conservatives…what about that 19.8 trillion dollar national debt that y’all made such a stink about when Obama was President…
Now that Trump’s president and it’s swollen to 27.5 trillion it’s crickets from you guys…
And falling in love with pajama boy didn’t do any good. North Korea finished developing nuclear weapons on Trump’s watch…
And I don’t know who/what “commiecrats” are so I can’t respond to that…
It’s beyond clear that you do not understand the way our government works. Congress ad only congress can authorize spending in this country, yet you like many attribute sending to a president instead of the real culprits in congress.
Head in the sand will always be your problem as well as your treme hatred for the current president and half the country.
Anything but jealousy. More like ardent disgust for the biggest pos we’ve ever seen hold high office. Americans lined up in record numbers to repudiate the impeached president making him a one term president and early lame duck…
Open and free elections are an American hallmark, not “subversion”…
They are jealous because President Trump thinks outside the box and takes risks noone else would think of.He has politically isolated Iran with the peace deals with Israel and the UAE etc.Iran is.the common enemy of most of the ME.
It would be nice if all you Liberals would cease the personal attacks on President Trump and show alittle class for a change.
Trump is a public figure. Attacks on him are NOT personal, and are as legitimate as the attacks you and others levy against Obama, Pelosi, Schumer and many others…
And the JCPOA is what contained Iran, not Trump’s disengagement. That’s what enabled them to enrich 12 times the uranium that they had enriched when Trump pulled out…That’s why he received a briefing a few weeks ago about that alarming development, and what prompted trump to seek approval to bomb their nuclear facility, but was shut down on that by Pence and others…