I haven’t used POS to describe the Liberals in Congress , only a play on words.I can only speak for myself , but those Village Idoits deserve all the criticism people can muster.There aren’t many people in the House and Senate bigger fools than Pelosi and Schumer. Schmoebama could carry Trump’s golf bag!!!
Are you excusing the Liberal media ,controlled by the Goebels inside the Democraps party, for their personal attacks on Trump and his family???
Look at all that insulting language towards democrats generally and Democratic Party leadership… You say they are deserving of it. That’s fine, that’s your opinion, they are public figures. So is Trump, and a whole many of us consider him an absolute pos…
Yes. It may be insulting,but not using POS or Fat Ass . I haven’t attacked Schmobamas family . He wasn’t our first black President either. When geneticists can engineer DNA etc to chance a biracial person into one race , let me kmow. Most biracial people usually identify as one or the other and mostly bkack.
Politicians of both D and R are subserviant to their donors who call the shots and are part of the Globalists that aim to control us through their " New World Order" like the VERMONOOUS WAR CRIMINAL GEORGE SOROS.
Just to look good to voters, they occasionally throw a few crumbs off the table to keep them quiet for a while. Prostitutes are more honest than Politicians.
Well beadencup, there’s a lot to unpack in that post, but I’ll just speak to your comment about insulting language. Public figures are fair game, you do your share of insulting them but don’t like it when a public figure that you like is insulted…
Biden stole CA too.
That alone counts over 50.
Who wants Joo Biden Presidency?
CNN, Fox, NY Times, Soros, wikipedia… ad nauseum
No evidence of that either…
Can he prove he didn’t?
I said I don’t like the personal attacks on the family.In President Trumps case , it’s his wife and son Baron.What do either of them do to deserve the media attacks on them.
In Eric’s case , he has helped to raise millions of of dollars for St. Judes Hospital and he closed his foundation because of the Leftist Media.But the media FAWNS all over the Climton Mafia Foundation.
Humpty Dumpty Biden had the protection of Jeff Pucker Zucker controlling what CNN reporters could and couldn’t report on his Burisma dealings .That is fair game when Joe Corleone Biden offers Ukraine an " offer they couldn’t refuse" to call off the bloodhound special prosecuter.
You may think my language is insulting, but I’m nowhere close to some here. Go tell those about the language they use!!!.
I don’t know, I’ve never said anything about them. Many people were wondering the same thing when Clinton, Bush and Obama’s children were being attacked.
No, I said it’s fine, you’re insulting public figures, they’re fair game. So is Trump.
Yes Trump is fair game ,but some have gone TOO FAR. I support crticizing public figures, but keep the family out of it except in cases like Humpty Dumpty Hunter.That is fair game.
Oh no…much much more than that. We’re not pussies.
I never said anything about his family. And why would you want Trump’s family protected from criticism and not Biden’s…
Georgia confirmed Biden a third time around. The joke is on Trump and Trumplicans…
Monte you don’t or want to understand my comments in a vain attempt to make a gool of muself. I’ll try to make clear that can understand.
Trumps family ⁰⁰ll
I’m not trying to make anything of you but sense…
You’ve told me two or three times now that Trump’s family is off limits. Ok, I don’t disagree with that, but then I’ve never said anything about his family…
I do think it’s bullshit for you to say that Trump’s family is off limits while suggesting that Biden’s isn’t.
Monte are you the product of a Special Ed school??? I said Trumps wife and son.should be off limits to the personal hate of the press. If Eric and / or Don.Jr were like Humpty Dumpty Hunter, they should be called out for it.
They’re far more human and compassionate than Humpty Dumpty Hunter will ever be and not on the Globalist and Communist China payroll
I hope it’s clear to you.
Oh, you want the press to leave Trump’s family alone. Fine, tell them, not me…
Monte you’re only trying to extend your arguement that is senseless. Try a class on Englush Comprehension.
Why do you always resort to personal insults…