Harris and Warren reparations

Indeed, Islam is bringing black slavery back in North Africa. Between conservatives and progressives which bunch presently cow tows to Islam tothe point of importing more of it?

I left home at fifteen with the clothes on my back, that was the extent of my white privilege generational wealth, a pair of jeans, a flannel shirt, a jean jacket and some boots.

How or what people spend their money on is none of your concern. Their ancestors worked for free for almost 300 years. They can blow it on an supercar or invest it to start a business. You don’t get to decide what they do with their reparation money.

Any possible standing their ancestors had to make a claim died with them when they didn’t bring a suit while still alive.

Screw those wanting to work corruptions of blood and act out ex post facto laws.

Disclaimer to easily offended cons - when I talk about any of this I am not talking to YOU. YOU didn’t own slaves… it is highly possible that NONE of your ancestors ever did own slaves. So don’t get your panties in a bunch because you think I am talking about you! I am speaking in general when I talk about reparations… slavery and Jim Crow.

Ok now…

It’s not all about generational wealth… it’s about the opportunity denied to a large portion of the population to ATTEMPT to generate wealth. What free white people did with their money in 1825 was their choice. If they didn’t build wealth with their opportunity then oh well.

Today we give back pay to prisoner who were wrongly accused and jailed for a crime they didn’t commit. No one bats an eye.

I am not sure why someone would be against giving reparations to confirmed descendants of slaves. I don’t believe that you should get reparations just because you are black in 2019. That defeats the purpose.

Show me the legal mechanism available for descendants of slaves to get reparations from 1865-1965?

Did the emancipation proclamation allow for those forever slaves to sue their masters for back pay? Land? Anything?

We are not in arrears. They were never promised wages. They got all they were promised.

Ahh and what were they promised during slavery and Jim Crow?

Im not sure if you were addressing or that fellow Pragmatic, but I dont or ever approved of Slavery .

What percentage of sub saharan DNA would you consider suitable justification for being considered a descendant of a slave?
One drop?

PrG… why aren’t libs paying reparations voluntarily now. Libs… you know… the educated and affluent people.

Their money? Sorry, it is not “theirs”. It would be coming out of the coffers of people like me who actually PAY taxes. People like me who’s ancestors never owned a slave but worked like slaves to put food on the table for their families and built this country.

Get over it and get over yourself.

Money isn’t going to make everything alright; or turn a frown upside down :rainbow::unicorn: :rainbow:

You get one shot in this life. There is no better opportunity than right here in the good old US of A.

If you choose to squander it you won’t see me crying any river for you.

I don’t care that your ancestors were slaves. I don’t care if your ancestors were slave owners.

Gawds, are you so freaking bored with your life and your present that you have to find something so asinine to feel you have a reason to live?

How about modern day slavery? Mum is the word on that from folks like you.

The times were the times. Shit happens. Move on.

Sorry! That is the cost of living in the good ol U S of A. This country you know would not be the same without 300 years of free labor.

Who is saying it is? It’s money owed to families for their ancestors free labor. This shouldn’t be a discussion about how much it will help the people who receive it.

My ancestors weren’t slaves (I’m white) my wife’s were however. You not caring about the abhorrent practices of slave owners to another race and how they affects an entire race today is noted.

Shit happens? Hahahahaha. Yes slavery and Jim Crow is just “shit happening”.

Total crock of shit. Will there be a deduction for the free housing and food they received?

It should be a discussion about the people who will be forced by the government to pay for something they didn’t do and for something no one in their family was likely a part of.

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This is not the cost of living as you perceive it.

This country was not built upon 300 years of “free labor”.

The times were the times. It is what it is. Get over it. Move on. Be grateful you have education opportunities even if you choose to squander them.

The times are what they are NOW. Step up to the plate or be left behind.

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It is total bullshit.

If “slavery” were such a hot button, these folks would be fighting tooth and nail against it as is exists today.

They are an absolute embarrassment to those who were slaves. Those slaves would have turned over in their graves to provide a fraction of the opportunities afforded to what their future generations have today.

I have no doubt if they could rise from their graves they would slap these people so hard that they wouldn’t know what the hell hit them.

Implying that there weren’t any white slaves. Less than 2% of whites in America ever owned slaves. The majority of slaveholders in the US were ■■■■■ If leftists want reparations have them go get it from Israel.

It’s also important to note that the first slaveholder in America, who institutionalized slavery, was a black man.


So… what.


The times were the times.

Today is today.

Get the hell over it and stop living as though the past is your present.

No one with half a brain gives a crap.