Harris and Warren reparations

All black people who would be eleible for reparations, received free stuff? News to me.

Doesn’t matter. It’s the cost of being in the USA. Your life wouldn’t be what it is today without 300 years of free labor.

Why do you have free labor, in quotes? Where they paid?

America wasn’t built on free labor, and guess what there was the thing called the “civil war” and not too long after the war, slaves were set free.

Republicans wanted to give them Land and the Andrew Johnson and The democratic Plantation party nixed it.

If anyone should be responsible for reparation its the Democrat party as they killed the compensation for the free slaves

But that time has passed if there are those in the African American community that believes they are “owed” anything, well we can send you a plane ticket so you can relocate to Liberia.

It seems some don’t take into consideration World war one and two, if it wasn’t for the brave soldiers fighting overseas who knows what America would look like today under Nazi rule, and believe me under Nazi rule reparations is not high on their list.

Slaves were paid from 1619-1865? How?

Again with this party crap. What ideology prevailed to keep freed slaves from receiving “40 acres and mule”? What it a liberal stance or conservative stance?

The south fought to keep slavery… you know… where 90% of black people were located and shackled to chains… bred… killed… uneducated.

The north was in opposition to that.

I have no idea why you would think any legitimate quote would include “free labor”.

However, if you are going to present a lump sum contract, labor will not be broken down in the price it will be included.

Dude, history is chock full of this.

People are still sold into slavery today.

Put my money where your mouth is. What are you and your ilk doing about what is happening today…? Or is that too hard of a nut to crack?

strawman argument , next

I didnt say a mule, I said acres , I heard it was 40 acres, then I read somewhere less, the point is the Democrats and Andrew johnson nixed it.

South Carolina, Georgia and Florida was the land that the north confiscated from certain plantation owners and Johnson vetoed the Freeman bill and gave back the land to the original owners

those are facts jack

and they were against the new territories having slaves.

the idea behind America prospering on Free labor is disingenuous, as it was estimated 3% of southerners owned slaves and the south was a basket case another reason why the founders chose “the electoral college” over popular vote because they believe the southern folks were ignorant

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Max… Seriously…

You are responding to a person who questions why there is “free labor” in quotes as though it is a "real thing: .:rofl:

I gave at the office. Prag is trolling. He knows this just pisses people off.

Ive been wondering that for a few weeks now, if he is just doing that to piss off people, but you know its nice to have a few libs and leftists on here it makes things interesting

Yep. No disagreement.

What makes you THINK they were EVER promised ANYTHING that people who never did the race (a mere abstraction of persons without the individual rights of the Persons who may comprise it) harm are obligated to give those that were not themselves personally harmed?

Being affected is NOT being afflicted no matter what insipid ideology centered on abstractions of persons that the Left entertains.

Every man’s suffering is only ever their own. It dies with them and is not property to be inherited. You do not inherit suffering any more than you are obligated to repeat the bad choices of your forebears or automatically able to replicate the good choices of your forebears.

But choosing to pretend to inherit suffering, and the outrage that might comes with it, is certainly a bad choice that harms the chooser that has become very fashionable.

Everyone’s every description is affected by many things beyond their control.

Your whole race ideology that looks to entitIes as if they were valid proxies for individuals is wrong.

Then why did you put free labor in quotes?

I am not talking about reparations for modern day slaves. Focus.

I am talking about the history of slavery in the United States of America.

Decent black people won’t take reparations. Only the stupids and race baiters will.

Also, it is dishonest to even call them reparations. This is because the asserted injury is to a race, an abstraction of persons. Real flesh and blood Persons to not under progressive ways of thinking have any federal right to stand for all Persons that come after them to say something is thus or so … if you doubt me look at how they approach the Law of the Land and deny the original right of those who agreed to Ratify the Constitution to only mean what they can be said to have actually agreed to.

Rather, these “reparations” are just a shake down dressed up in nice sounding (to Leftists) words. But since the asserted injury is to the race, and since it can be taken up again by any subsequent generation to once again demand reparations, there is no real sense in which they are honestly called reparations.

These are demands for tribute like those spoken of in Kipling’s classic Dane Geld:

It is always a temptation to an armed and agile nation
To call upon a neighbour and to say: –
“We invaded you last night–we are quite prepared to fight,
Unless you pay us cash to go away.”

And that is called asking for Dane-geld,
And the people who ask it explain
That you’ve only to pay 'em the Dane-geld
And then you’ll get rid of the Dane!

It is always a temptation for a rich and lazy nation,
To puff and look important and to say: –
“Though we know we should defeat you, we have not the time to meet you.
We will therefore pay you cash to go away.”

And that is called paying the Dane-geld;
But we’ve proved it again and again,
That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld
You never get rid of the Dane.

It is wrong to put temptation in the path of any nation,
For fear they should succumb and go astray;
So when you are requested to pay up or be molested,
You will find it better policy to say: –

“We never pay any-one Dane-geld,
No matter how trifling the cost;
For the end of that game is oppression and shame,
And the nation that pays it is lost!”

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You said America wasn’t built on free labor… how is that true when slaves weren’t paid?

I don’t understand why you pointed out that democrats of 1865 were the ones that denied freed slaves the access to land. No shit.

If you are trying to say the democrats of today would do the same… I have a bridge to sell you.

Why does the number of slave owners matter? Less than .50% of the people in the US own companies. How does the percentage of slave owners debunk the idea that America was built on the backs of free slave labor?

At this peak there was something like 3 million slaves in the south. They were 13% of the national population. 13% of the population was used as free labor. Think about that

I never said they were promised anything. LOOK at the post I was responding to before you hit reply to me.

What does this even mean? Are you drunk?

If Ben Carson was identified as a descendent of slaves I bet he would take the money but donate it to a charity of his choosing. A lot of black people would do that… most would keep it. Who cares what they do with it… it’s their money.

how many slaves were involved with John Bradley &; co 1800

Caswell-Massey (1752)

Ames (1774)

Dixon Ticonderoga (1795)

Crane and Co. (1799)

DuPont (1802)

Colgate (1806)

Remington (1816)
how many slaves worked for these companies, mind you John Bradley and Co doesnt exist today

try and follow along, Im going to dumb it down for you

You said the african american should get reparations right?
Which mean it has to come from its citizens , citizens like me , My family on my Dad’s side came to America in the early 1900’s from Scotland, my mom Irish but came through Canada, we had nothing to do with slavery, so we should pay?

Hence why I told you about the Democrat party which you just agreed.

No, I said the Democrat party should pay if reparations if reparations are to be paid

what kind of argument is that? you said slave labor built this country , did you not say that?

are you counting black slave owners too? how many companies used slave labor to build their business, since most of the slaves lived in the south,explain why the south was poorer than the north?