Greta Thunberg Begs For Help After Traveling Halfway Around The World 'The Wrong Way'

The thing about freedom of speech is you don’t have to hide behind it. It is a constitutional right of every American citizen. I am not a fan of anything degenerate. Most degenerate content comes from the left although there is a good bit of degeneracy on the right lately too. Just because I find something degenerate doesn’t mean I think it should be banned. Quite the opposite, I want people to see degenerate content so they can form their own value judgments and opinions. It’s not the content that is the problem, it is people like you who try to suppress things they don’t like based upon personal taste and preference. I’m sure you have no problem with the rainbow flag being displayed despite it’s standing for the destruction of the family and the promotion of sodomy. It all balances out in the end though, that’s why God invented GRIDS.


AKA - take down posts that I don’t like because I said so.


How do you feel about drag queen story hour? Do you think that shit is legit? What about that little drag queen kid who dresses up like a whore and goes to all of those ■■■ parades?

Is this shit pedo or is it exempt because the sick fucks on the woke left all support transgenderism and the sexual exploitation of children…fuck your double standards. You are getting all butt hurt over some satire and comedy. Meanwhile the left is straight up abusing children, feeding them hormone blockers, and chopping their dicks off all before they turn 10 years old.



They are totally fine with the sexual exploitation of children. It furthers their agenda and gives them another victim class to pander to.

However - Greta to them is like the second coming of Jesus. She’s essentially infallible despite being a muppet-faced retard who thinks the world is going to end in 10 years.

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I really hope we find out the name of your site because it would be wonderful to drop in and pay you a visit. Remember you and your folks get triggered a whole lot faster than we do.

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You must be a lot of fun at parties.

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Greta’s physical development is stunted by Marxism, retarded one might even say.

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Even if one were to take you seriously (which no one does) your failure to intelligently debate demonstrates your partisanship and lack of depth on a range of issues beginning with climate change and ending with arts and culture. You also seem to forget that you have no authority here. Nonetheless, you present two false choices, weaponized autism or circular firing squad. You are an amateur.

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Can you please show me where that was advocated?

This is a gross example of child exploitation and evidence of the push by leftists to make kids transgender and sexualize them. If you take a look at history, the push towards androgyny is one of the last steps before the fall of empires. Western Civilization is breaking down into degeneracy.

Meanwhile @Publishermike is salty about words on a page. :clown_face:

Protected “minorities” can get away with depraved grooming/child abuse apparently…but words are too much, right?


Not only was the mother cleared by CPS…but it turns out it’s legal for 11 year olds to strip for money, in gay strip clubs, in New York City. The club the child stripped in is still open and there have been ZERO protests or demands by the left to…

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Do you believe in walls? You will after we come to your site. Thanks to your avatar and username we found your “hive” and we will be visiting you very soon. Get your coffee ready because it’s gonna be a long weekend.


That is quite a stretch of rationalization on the mother’s part.

It makes me wonder if “Desmond” is bringing in some cash and recognition for dear old mom. Much like Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

IDK about his site, yet I have to ask: what about the people there you will affect that may see him as being as much of a butt head as you do?

He is the site moderator and should know better.


That doesn’t answer my question. I’m not trying to be provocative but what if there are people there who can’t stand him as a moderator?

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Nice! I was planning on chilling and posting anyway because it’s supposed to be cold af out. Now I get to make lots of new friends in the process! Fun!


Perhaps there are. I’m scouting now. There were some decent folks at Hannity when we decided to drop by and so hello, relentlessly. Most were foaming at the mouth leftists though…as you are well aware.

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A penalty must be paid for making veiled threats against this site. Remember, we only act in self defense. We are never the aggressors.