Greta Thunberg Begs For Help After Traveling Halfway Around The World 'The Wrong Way'

@Patriot I see this board supports pedophilia. Noted.

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LOL what a ridiculous comment. I guess you are an adherent of the Church of Greta.

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Because they can’t see your jazz hands!

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@Patriot is busy. Seems to me he went out of his way to help you and your site. If you find something that you believe is illegal then you should send a message to me, @KVN or @Patriot

If you have no intention on being a member here and only want to cast stones, make disparaging remarks against the site, and irritate community members then please leave. There are ways to handle matters such as these other then trolling.

If you would like us to come and visit your site and review your content, I will gladly share the link here on the main board and in all of our private groups.

Let me know :slight_smile:


Satire and humor is now child pornography. What a load of shit.

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I have sent you a private message regarding this. Rest assured that I have no plans on becoming a regular member of this community.


This was completely unnecessary. If you adminster a forum then you know it’s impossible to read every comment on every thread, especially on low-activity threads. Ridiculous.

Perhaps, but think about what it says about your community that a post advocating childrape remained unflagged for almost a week and in fact “liked” by 5 members.

ETA: And now at least two moderators know about it, yet it remains.


The thread has been unlisted, which is the first step in our administration process. We have disabled flags as people tend to use them to complain about speech that they find offensive, or to suppress topics and concepts that they don’t like. That is not in line with maintaining freedom of speech. It used to be that the left was on the same page with us…but no more. The left has gone full totalitarian, demanding all subjective “offensive” speech be banned. Of course, it is only those on the extreme left that get to define what is offensive and what isn’t. The rest of us just need to obey their intolerant screams.

While the post you are referring to is offensive, it is not illegal. No more so than the Game of Thrones books are. Using your logic, the work of George R.R. Martin would be declared as “pedophilia” as the sex scenes between many of the characters in his books take place around when the characters are between the ages of 12-14. How about “Pretty Baby” starting Brooke Shields in 1978? In your puritanical leftist view of the world should that also be banned? Or is that okay?


I re-listed the thread as this is worthy of larger discussion by the community, although I will admit the topic has been derailed. Sincerest apologies to @Motti and if the discussion persists I will break up the thread into a separate topic.


You reference works of fiction. Greta Thunberg is a real person.

If it is the policy of your site to condone child rape, then so be it.

Hiding behind “freedom of speech” is a spurious argument. Advocating violence and crime is not protected. If you truly beleive that, then you should never had “unlisted” this thread.

If you view advocating the rape of a 16 year old girl as “freedom of speech,” then we have nothing further to talk about.

ETA: I’ve spent the last week wading through the morass of racist, sexist and other myriad forms of hate speech that I see here and haven’t said a damn thing, so don’t tell me that I am trying to impose my views or censor what your members have to say here. This is about ADVOVCATING THE RAPE OF A CHILD.

Do the right thing here.


Implying fanfiction isn’t a thing. Implying literary works of fiction don’t contain people, places, and things from real life.

Greta is a public figure and subject to scrutiny, trolling, scorn, whatever.

Deal with it.


Yeah? So what get over yourself! It was meant as satire and it was pretty hilarious! Sorry it doesn’t appeal to your sensitivities, but the reality is you snowflakes created this environment of post modernism ethos and now you just don’t like the results! Perhaps Salon or Huff Post is more your speed!


You should re-read the post. Greta presented herself. 16 is a common age of consent in most US states - which is irrelevant because it is a work of fiction and didn’t happen.

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Right - works of art displaying Piss Jesus or aborted fetuses are fine. Not this though. This is pure pearl clutching material. Greta must not be questioned.

These are the same shitheads who wanted the Covington Catholic kids to get their asses beat…same for Baron Trump.


I find this offensive…

Don’t forget about this… hypocrites.



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