GOP Give Chuck & Nancy Hell for Lying, Refusing New Deal

Isn’t it amazing that our military lives and breaths by “no man left behind”?

They show absolute solidarity.

Yet how many Americans have been killed or are the victims of crime due to a porous border and obstruction by RINOS and democrats.

Challenging? Yes. Condescending? Where? I didnt post here to be part of a hive. I like debating. Opposing points of view and can be swayed myself.

Take what you will from my comments.

Early in the thread, you provided some good arguments regarding the discussion topic. If you had nothing else to add to the topic, that would have been a good time for you to move onto another thread.

Instead, you diverted the discussion to another topic and eventually made this about you. That’s not a good way to make a first impression.

Yeah, cause it is so private and all :roll_eyes:

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Alright. I’ll accept that. I guess I kinda diverted the thread when I posted that statement today. And I can see how DMK viewed it as condescending. I’ll take my lumps on this thread ad move on. I’ll still be around here though. I like getting other points of view outside my bublle.

Except she is butt face ugly like most Democrats!

So you say. I rather doubt it. Every board has a personality. You came in full throttle gangbuster full of challenge. Showing complete disrespect as though you are “right” and everyone else here is “wrong” unless they can “prove” it.

Who in the hell do you think you are? Testing the waters for others like you to swarm this board? We won’t put up with it.

You made the mistake of doing exactly what you accused other here of. And got called out for being a hypocrite.

If you are really here to learn and to honestly debate as we all are then you are welcome. In the meantime, you are not the guru of this board. Back off of your superior attitude and challenges.

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There is no need to take “lumps” nor to move on.

Just be open minded and … think…

To which do you give more credence? A politician sitting behind a desk relying on polls or the people who risk their lives on a daily basis, on the front lines?

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In any debate if you want direct answers from posters make sure you do the same for them when asked. Like any debate it’s two way street.

That’s the problem today…no one wants to give direct answer to direct question. :wink:


That’s a lame excuse. He posted it on Facebook…with his name. You are FOS bigtime!


You produce an unsourced quote from an obviously biased leftwing hack, nameless, supposed lawyer who was never involved in interdictions? Brilliant.


I agree with DMk, I find Civility story/post a bit suspect.

If what he said was true and his friend was a federal prosecutor and wrote that I would never in a million years believe he was a prosecutor let alone an educated person.

Ive never seen a lawyer use the phrase " I saw alot( a lot) of what happens"
Most would say Ive witness ( whatever they witness) the actions of said or so and so blah blah blah.

The post in question sounds like it was written by someone in High School in a civic class.

Just my opinion.

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Dems vote in a mindless block . When you have 100% voting the same every time on issues they were in favor of 9 years ago , that’s obstruction .So cut the BS ! You must have enjoyed the Kavanaugh circus . FLIP-FLOP .

I think you are missing the entire point I was making! What BS? Afraid of the truth that Republicans, or shall we say RINOS are just as much to blame as the Democrats for playing obstructionists? If you can’t admit that then you are oblivious to the actual truth that both parties come from the same side of the coin! I would say it is you who needs to cut the BS and take off the rose colored glasses!


That simply isn’t true.

You can always get a majority of Republicans to vote for things like physical barriers and expansion of ICE and the Border Patrol, full implementation of E-verify and other measures essential to solving the problem.

The democrats however are holding rock solid as a party refusing to vote for any such measures.

It is true and you are not doing your homework! This I know for a fact! Go on the CTH and read Sundance’s articles as he aptly points this out with factual evidence! I suggest before trying to discredit my statement is do your research first!

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What I have stated is completely factual. We can get a majority of republicans to vote for any of those things, we can’t get any of the democrats to vote for any of them.

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Nah. They just have different employers now. They used to work for us. Now their more recent emloyers are the ones actually screwing the rest of us. Besides, they really can’t work together. Must keep up appearances.

Really? They had a majority in both houses in the first two years of Trumps presidency and what have they done? Lyan Ryan played the obstructionist as well other republicans who love to suck the Chinese nipple! Go do your research!