GOP Give Chuck & Nancy Hell for Lying, Refusing New Deal

Who decides what bills get to the floor for a vote in the House?

Republicans never had enough votes for cloture in the senate.

Do you understand what the phrase “a majority of republicans” even means?

…yet you claimed in another thread that Republicans had a strong majority in the Senate. They did manage to get confirmations with 51 votes. 60 votes required to stop a filibuster, but not to pass a bill.

I know…cloture applies to filibusters, not bills…so your statement is correct. It does defeat your previous claim that Republicans had a strong majority at 51.

It’s still not rock solid at 53…especially with RINOs running loose in the Senate.

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Thanks to Schumer changing the rules nomination no longer require 60 votes to bring to them up for a floor vote.

Seriously, if you don’t understand how the senate works just quit.

OMG dude! You are purposely being Obtuse about this! Never mind wallow in your ignorance if you will!

What part of the term “RINO” do you not comprehend?

You’re the one that seems not to comprehend what a “majority of republicans is”.

Let me make it simple for you. We can get a “majority of republicans” to vote for a bill in both houses and it still won’t pass without democrat support.

Hence the blame goes to both sides, and mostly to the dem’s.

All you have to do is count the damned votes.

Never mind you just proved my point! You are certifiably tone deaf!

Keep shouting the World is mad and i’m the only sane one here . :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I don’t understand everything about the Senate, but I have witnessed confirmation IN THE FLOOR VOTE for SCOTUS nominees acquiring 51 votes.

My comment referred your occasional habit of taking both sides on an issue in separate threads.

That and your tendency to have “reply diarrhea” put you on my “muted member” list.


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Very good analysis.


I heard on either Hannity or Beck that the income the illegals send back to Mexico provides as much income as their tourist industry.

That is NOT something they would easily want to give up.

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A federal prosecutor is not on the front lines. He only knows about the cases that make it to his desk.

Interesting quote, considering the source.

You have attorneys for clients and dyslexia? What kind of work do you do?

Probably too busy…
Was he your client on the sexual harassment case?

A high-profile San Diego trial attorney has settled a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by a woman who accused him of offering “quid-pro-quo” sexual proposals.


It is an obvious mechanism for getting payment for the wall. Gotta be legal though and will no doubt get a liberal court review on its way to SCOTUS.

Where’d he go? Get back here!

You’ve had a lot of replies. (see that is… .a lot).

Wondering if you are still posting on this board, HAH?

I’m somewhat curious to see your replies and engagement.

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That was Harry Reid. You really don’t pay attention well.

And once again Harry Reid changed the rules for judicial nominees such that they can be brought to the floor without a cloture vote.

If you can’t handle the facts stay out of the conversation.