Former Obama officials tell Iran to ‘hang on’ until 2020 when Trump loses

Neither Iran nor the US signed it. The agreement was never ratified by the Senate either.

Typical Democrat endorsement of mob rule. As pointed out before the Iranian government could have expelled the US diplomats in accordance with diplomatic custom. Instead like good Resistance Democrats they endorsed the mob taking hostages. Even Jimmy Carter recognized the danger of allowing Iranian mob rule but not today’s Trump hating Resistance.

The Iranians used their proxy group in Iraq to attempt to replicate their hostage taking of American diplomatic personnel. Fortunately US security personnel repelled them. President Trump took action to exact a cost for Iranian barbarism.

With help from establishment Republicans like John McCain, Obama was able to undermine the requirement for Senate confirmation by calling the treaty an agreement. Obama declared the US would abide by the agreement and by extension the codicil even though the Iranians refused to sign.

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There’s neither justification or condemnation offered. Just the plain and obvious fact that when you interfere in the affairs of other countries, you create consequences that you must deal with. Apparently you have no idea what the Iranian leople were pissed off about in 1979. You act as though the US was just going about our own merry business and the Iranians just reached out and bitch slapped us for no good reason at all.

Again, that’s utterly naive and will only lead to more unintended consequences.

And they responded with the last word in this sophomoric tit for tat.

Well, you seem not to understand that the US constitution doesn’t provide for the administration or control of Iran… That’s very odd…:thinking:

What The Constitution does not forbid it allows.

Oh ok, violent mobs can invade our soil, embassy, take our people hostage and loot as they will. It’s all good because they decided our foreign policy angered them. Diplomats are an acceptable sacrifice to diplomacy by mob rule. :roll_eyes:

Even if for the moment we accept the risible proposition the US is somehow culpable for the anger of foreign mobs that still in no way justifies the violent hostage taking with the approval of the Iranian theocracy in Tehran or the attempt to do the same in Baghdad. You have written 3 comments ignoring the fact that the Iranian government could have simply broken diplomatic relations with the US and we would have evacuated our diplomatic personnel peacefully. Worse, you repeatedly endorse the Iranians orchestrating an attack on the US embassy in another country. :roll_eyes:

The Iranians were convinced they could attack our embassy with impunity that’s why terrorist puppeteer Soleimani brazenly flew to the Bagdad airport with his entourage. He was there to coordinate further attacks but that’s ok by you, an inevitable consequence of a foreign policy that doesn’t bow and scrape to a leading sponsor of terrorism.

I get that the Iranian mullahs see us as the Great Satan. Do you understand they chose to resort to mob violence and terrorism instead of diplomacy?

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The US destroyed the Iranian democracy and Americans have been paying the price ever sense. That you don’t understand the consequences has no bearing on that reality.

A “democracy” that put radicals Islamists in power who are sworn to destroy the west spreading Islam at the point of a sword.

All democracies are not equal. The Nazis came to power by democratic votes, so did the Mullahs.

Start reading here for a little more understanding of Iran in the Pre and Post WWII era.

It has always been the radical Islamists undermining advancement and the development of a modern secular society there.

Perhaps you should read the history of the US toppling the Iranian democracy replacing it with the Shah that was cast off in 1979.

Right or wrong, I do believe after the Shah came to power, stoning women to death plummeted; and women were no longer treated like barnyard animals. Anyway, that’s the rumor. But now, well, back to the 7th century.

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Yeah you are right! Kerry has already violated the Logan act and he should be charged with treason!

By using the freshly minted CIA to stage a bombing, killing people and blaming it on others to topple Iran’s democracy, the US set this ball rolling. Excuse and defend that all you wish.

There you go, stuck in 1979 the Iranians by your logic were just reacting to the Great Satan when they stormed our embassy and took our people hostage. But wait, the Iranian’s grievance is so profound, so eternal they are justified organizing and coordinating an attempt to do the same thing in another sovereign country.

Even Obama’s state department classified Iran as a leading sponsor of terrorism but that doesn’t matter to the Trump hating Resistance. The architect of Iran’s terrorist campaign and organizer of the assault on the US embassy ought to be allowed to operate with impunity within Iraq because Orange man bad. :roll_eyes:

Actually, I was referring to 1953, and the event that set an otherwise friendly Iran on a path to enemy. The consequences I continue to point out to you that you continue to ignore or dismiss.

A fu@king big chin moron !!!

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You make my point. Events 66 years ago condemn the US forever. The assault on our embassy in Iraq orchestrated by the Iranians 3 weeks ago counts for nothing. Brilliant. :roll_eyes:

A half dozen posts where you ignore the Iranians trying to duplicate the 1979 storming of our embassy by a violent mob. They failed so we ought to allow the Iranian terrorist in chief to roam freely in Iraq to organize another try. :roll_eyes:

No, I don’t make your point. I make my own. Namely that we destroyed the Iranian democracy, they haven’t been a peaceful nation since, which plays right into the notion that we need to maintain a presence in the ME which does not serve the interests of the average American.