Elizabeth Warren in deeper trouble

I don’t work on anecdotal evidence. Give me actual data. Show me that minorities have an advantage in the workplace over white people.

It’s cute that you think you found something. :joy:

Advantage in opportunity or advantage in accomplishments?

Yes… yet another Prag shows up.


Maybe the previous one was not Dantes. Hmmmm… guessing games.

In the end, you are really all the same, think the same, and pretend the same. Completely interchangable… so you might as well all go by the same name… prag.

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Either one is fine with me. Your pick. Whatever is easier for you to prove.


If the liberal black American culture disadvantages them on the “accomplishments” side, maybe that should be looked at. When you indoctrinate people to think that correct English grammar and math are just white patriarchial oppression, you might find the “accomplishments” a bit skewed downward.

But all else being equal, “opportunity” is MUCH higher for black people.

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I have two words for you “affirmative action”

remember those words?

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He will redefine what the term means. This very moment, he is flipping through the index of his favorite book "Euphemisms can be Fun. "


D A T A. You linked to a program. Just because a program exists doesn’t mean that minorities have an advantage over white people. Show me data.

Again D A T A. How exactly has AA given an advantage over white people? (Hint it hasn’t, white women are the biggest beneficiaries).

But maybe you have data showing that black people are hired more often than white people… as a percentage of their population? You need more than words.

You got the data, bro. It’s the proof of existence of a federal program that gives more opportunity to black people.

The fact that you cant process the data is on you.

You are trolling now.

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I see zero numbers in that document that point to minorities getting a certain number of SB loans over white people. Do more minorities get loans over white people? Of the money set aside, how much of the total pie is that? Is it 50%? 10%? 1%?

Why woukd you assume to see advantages there when black people can not even finish high school at the same rate as white people? Libs have taught them to disown math and grammar because it is the WHITE man’s math and grammar. Not even a smart black business owner wants to higher illiterates. So the pool of acceptable candidates is reduced.

I can show you the studies, the BLS data, all sorts of talking heads talking about diversity

All large organizations talks about diversity,what do you think that means Ed?

Between the Federal government and private sector companies most engage in A.A.

A.A was so bad that the Democratic people’s republic of California banned the practice and so has the University of Michigan

are you going to deny that?

How many black folks do you see at the DMV in your city?

Judging whether discrimination exists by comparing the percentage of group X in a company/university, versus their relative percentage in the broader population, isn’t how you judge whether discrimination has occurred.

Instead discrimination would be better judged by comparing the percentage of group X in a company/university, versus the percentage of group X that meet the standard within the population. Big difference?

Would you agree?

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So nothing. I actually didn’t mean to limit the discussion to black people. I should have kept it at minorities. That is my fault.

Either way, I know you can’t show me any data that puts minorities at an advantage over white people.

Again I am not denying that there are programs that intend to help minorities in specific industries or jobs (there are even programs fair the disabled and veterans). So you can stop naming programs.

I am arguing that just because programs exist, it doesn’t mean it gives minorities and advantage over white people. At the very best it may level the playing field… at worse it doesn’t help at all.



how does it level the playing field , hiring or accepting less than qualified people for jobs and education because of racial quotas vs hiring qualified people regardless of race.

see the problem?

If they want to level the playing field, find blacks and other minorities who can qualify for college or IVY league college and work out something with the private sector to pay for their education

if you’re a company and you want to diversify find a qualified minority if he or she lives in another state, you dont hire or accept unqualified people for the sake of diversity.


Of course it does. The very existence of such programs is an advantage.

Have you ever been upper management in a fortune one hundred company? I have. We spent a lot of time and money searching for qualified minority applicants. We didn’t do that for white people.