Elizabeth Warren in deeper trouble

That nitwit doesn’t have a chance in hell to win the nomination for the demoRATS .


I agree. Does she have sense enough to step away from it?

Teddy Kennedy’s zombie could retake his old seat. No, she’s secure.

As opposed to using your fame to grab pussy whenever you so choose?

Trump bragged that he could exploit his fame for personal gain.

I find it hilarious that people think it’s an advantage being a minority hahahahaha

This thread is about Elizabeth Warren. Clear your mind and try to focus.


You need to tell Warren that.

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and Elizabeth Warren seem to think that was the route to take, lying on her forms

and there are plenty of people who believe that is the case, they believe the protected class has more rights and benefits.

To the latest scumbags who lied about their heritage for personal gain, you will be exposed as the rat bastard you are

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When it comes to getting hired in a lot of fields and larger companies it is. Companies are always scrambling to try and improve diversity. Now pretend you don’t know that.


Time was “minorities” who could pass for “white” would because there was an advantage to be gained.

Now some whites, mainly liberals it often seems, are scrambling to claim to be minorities.

Must be because they want the disadvantages, huh?

That must be the cause of the liberals in blackface.

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Old Halloween costumes and white so-called “progressives” falling all over themselves in a mad dash to appear PC-saintly in their fauxrage.

They set themselves up for this with every statue that came down or street that changed name that they cheered over.

But I do see their point: the DNC is the party of the murder of innocents … that blackface stuff just isn’t who they are anymore.

You seem to think that unwritten rules should be applied equally. Pocohontas is almost dead from this because of a few reasons that don’t always apply:

  1. Trump has ridiculed her for years about this
  2. The Dem field is crowded and she is just a face in the pack
  3. She’s an annoying scold a lot like Hillary
  4. This weakens a facet of the identity politics that has become a foundation for the Democrats
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Warren was never the top pick for the DNC. She is useful only because she has the ability to generate campaign donations.

“They let you…”

Consensual. Is English a second language for you?

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Yeah… all those set-aside contracts, extra points in college entrance, job quotas with your color on em…
It must be intimidating just to figure out which sector of society you are gonna shake down first. Like 31 flavors of ice cream.

Keep trying dude. Or send in another Prag who does not set themselves up like you just did.

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The Left didn’t have this problem when it was Kennedy.

He was a GOOD man-whore. But if you speak out, you end up with an overdose.

Not like Trump… who pays for confidentiality.


I was thinking more Teddy than Jack, but sure.

Prove it with data. Minorities have an advantage over white people when getting hired?! You can’t make this stuff up :joy::joy: