An advantage given to one group of people is a disadvantage given to another group of people. It is impossible to do the first without the second regardless of your rational or morals behind the action.
Yep. Virtually every person who directly benefited from AA 54 years ago is no longer in the work/education market. We are now three generations of beneficiaries down the road … more than enough time to phase out the social experiment and declare victory over discrimination in education opportunities and the work place.
Hahahahahahahahahaha. 300 plus years of systemic oppression. 300 years of having laws on the books preventing prosperity (whether it was being considered property or being denied access to clean water) and you believe that it should all be fixed in 1/5 the time?!
White people have had well over 300 years of significant “advantages” in this country compared to black people. In your example white people were “advantaged” and black people were “disadvantaged”. Correct?
Do you want to know the difference between how AA “disadvantaged” you (and me apparently)and Slavery/Jim Crow “disadvantaged” black people?
How many laws today specifically restrict the white race from seeking employment? Zero? Yep.
AA doesn’t prevent White people from applying and getting hired. White employment hasn’t dipped because AA was in place.
Slavery and Jim Crow literally prevented black people from working for a even a dime. And towards the end of Jim Crow prevented most black people from getting jobs that paid anywhere close to equal wages. And even if they wanted higher paying jobs, segregation in schools made black peoples schools inferior to whites and they were often denied access to elite universities.
I am sure black people would trade your “disadvantage” for theirs in a heart beat.
You keep moving the bar when the facts don’t fit your meme, it’s not a winning argument.
You advocate punishing the current generation through programs like AA , tax policy and the rest of the SJW drivel so by definition you must be holding us accountable for the oppression that ended before 2/3 of us alive today were even born and for slavery which ended long before the oldest living human in the world.
Equality of Opportunity does not equal Equality of Outcome. Nothing can guarantee equality of outcomes unless you set the bar so low no one can excel.
In one generation my family made it from dirt huts to college graduates. All it took was a hell of a lot of hard work and dedication.
Anyone can do the same today if the have the academic ability and those who can’t can get trained for high paying trade jobs unless they are complete morons.
Stay sober, stay out of jail, get an education, learn a skill/trade/profession and/or join the US military and you can succeed in this country at very high levels of prosperity.
Luckily they didn’t have generations of oppression to keep them from starting the race.
No matter how you slice it… and entire race being held back, with laws, for 300 years will have long term effects that we are just beginning to get out of.
Show me were I advocate punishment? Did I advocate for oppressive laws against 1 race? AA isn’t even JUST for black people. It covers white women, Mexicans, Asians and any other minority.
How is the entire white race being punished by AA? It is similar to the punishment black people have endured?
That would be true if the number of blacks and whites was equal – it is not.
Per your numbers: 500/197,285,000 = .000253% of the white population killed by black people. 220/40,240,000 = .000547% of the black population killed by white people. Black people are twice as likely to be killed by white people than the reverse.
Not my family… my family is fine. I am talking about black people.
I find it interesting that you have a timeline for how long an entire race (notice entire, not just a small percentage) should take to recover from 300 years of oppression. Not just any oppression but having their culture stripped from them and sold as property for 200+ years and having literal laws on the books for 100+ years saying they could not get access to the same institutions as white people.
No matter how you slice it, almost three generations have passed since the end of Jim Crow. Most kids today have never even heard about the ‘64 Civil Rights Act.