The percentage of people employed, as a proportion of the US demographic, says almost nothing about discrimination. Far more relevant is the percentage of those employed as a portion of those with appropriate skills. Same with University access.
Asians make up ~40% of applicants capable of getting into Harvard, but represent only ~20% of the Harvard student body. They have taken a court case against Harvard arguing that they are being discriminated against because of their race, one program which is claimed discriminates against Asians is AA.
He’s whining that even with an advantage in opportunity, minority failure in the “results” category necessitates additional relaxing of standards by white people.
Only when hiring and salary RESULTS are the same will there be justice… in his mind.
Liberal bullshit. They cant accept that they themselves emasculate minority men, making them less inclined to work hard, work smart, and work with high expectations for oneself…They create a subsector of people who see themselves a victims… always requiring the super hero liberal white man to look the other way at lesser qualifications, defend him from the mean old color-blind conservatives, or to provide other advantages. Such people will never have the initiative and drive and confidence to do well. But those minorities who break away from the victim plantation of the left invariably do well.
WIthout creating new classes of victims and keeping those who are already convinced they are victims thinking so the political left in this country would have no power whatsoever.
Without growing division and dissatisfaction they have nothing at all to even run on.
No white man has ever been given a job over a woman/minority through AA regardless of the demographics of the specific workplace. If that’s not a disadvantage, what is?