Democratic Party Primary Debates Night 1

When will they be forced to answer questions on open borders, infanticide, the flooding of illiterate foreigners in African-American neighborhoods …
these mods are jokes

Once again dems shamelessly take advantage of a tragedy they wanted Americans to think it was OUR immigration policies that killed the father and daughter who drowned…Shame on them !!!

That isn’t what’s in question. Communicating a death threat is.

You seem to be looking at the wrong post.

Yep… they are counting on illegals voting.
Recall this interview with Barack Hussain

RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true.

Nothing to fear if they are caught voting.

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That line and Video need to be spread to every Republican running in 2020. It would make for devastating short “issue advocacy” advertising too.

Are you talking about the meme from Terminator 2?


Oh, you mean like the comedian holding the severed head dripping with blood did? :roll_eyes:

It’s just another one of his attempts to control the narrative and content of this site.

Typical behavior of a concern troll.


In 2019 memes of AOC spontaneously combusting are now death threats. OMFG the snowflakes just can’t help themselves :clown_face:

A flame thrower or torch /= “spontaneous combustion”.

I’m not trying to control anything I’m simply making a suggestion to protect @Patriot and the site.

No this is more of your kind of trolling. You are perpetually offended by everything and everyone. You always need the last word. You are always crying like a little baby about something. Everyone is always telling lies and only your shitposting is correct, according to you. People are here to express themselves and not have their views and expressions controlled by a tattle tale little crybaby.


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Once again ignorance and hate absent any known fact or rational thought.

I laughed my ass off, I never said it offended me. I simply threw up a warning that it could cause problems for our host and the site.

Based and redpilled.

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Too many threads get turned into pissing matches, generally unrelated in any way to the original topic.

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Ignorance and hate? What are you on the SPLC payroll?

Sometimes the truth hurts. Your whining and complaining would give the snowflakes on Twitter a run for their money.

Why are you always trying to control people?

It would be ever so helpful if you folks understood the words and phrases you use consistently. In this case it just shows a completely amazing level of ignorance.

It is the “Red Pill” that woke the dreamers to reality.

Of course it is you folks that have all taken the blue pill and don’t realize it so it’s quite explainable.

The Truth is exactly what I stated.

lol you are one of the most blue-pilled people here.

Being red pilled in the context of this community means ‘seeing beyond cultural marxist social constructions’.

Seeing beyond means dismissing equality outright. We aren’t all equal.

Really then, being redpilled is more a concept of being able to see beyond the myths of our own time. The modern myth of western civilization is egalitarianism and that it must be bowed to.

Cross the line. Call out blacks and their bad behavior. Talk about low-IQ subhumans openly. Tell people about how the gas chambers had wooden doors.

You are incapable of crossing the line and will perpetually be blue-pilled. It’s not your fault. I understand that you are paid by the shekel to post here.

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