I call out everyone equally for their bad behavior and never shrink from suppoting racial/ethnic crime statistics, I use them frequently.
What I am is someone who has has been “red pilled” in it’s truest since for decades, long before the term was even invented.
You of course had no concept of what it actually meant which was laughable.
What I’m not is an idiotic racist who lives and thrives on ignorance and hate like yourself and your Aryan/Arab cohorts.
Race does not create crime, neither does ethnicity conditions and culture take care of that.
Other than a few mutations relating to mass murderers and serial killers who are overwhelmingly white there is no genetic component relative to criminal behavior.
I heard on the radio earlier that Julian Castro is surging in the polls. How? I watched the clips this morning and he appeared to be arrogant, aggressive, and incredibly hostile.
He also only seems to only really care about being Hispanic. I saw one clip where he told everyone that he was Hispanic and he received a standing ovation. Besides the random Spanish speaking it was one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen in political theater. It’s not like he chose to be Hispanic or he achieved being Hispanic. He was just born that way and it doesn’t deserve any applause.
He’s certainly wears the Marxist the badge proudly. A number of his proposals had me scratching my head but what really stuck out to me was his obsession with this one particular aspect of immigration law. I get that he wants to remove that because he wants to decriminalize illegal entry, but he seemed to be getting really worked up about the issue and it didn’t make much sense to me. It’s in the weeds policy debate stuff that the common person probably would never really even bother to research.
Apparently that’s the exchange that got him surging in the polls. Perhaps it’s because that I’m not a Democrat that I didn’t understand the appeal.