Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇

Not sure where you got that from or what year it refers to but this one shows clearly that Big Pharma and military companies spent by far the most money on lobbyists in Washington in 2018

If you go thru and add up all the Pharma co’s and the defense co’s they both collectively outspend even the realtors, let alone Soros - they probly spent less than AIPAC tho…

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You got that one right and they also push vaccines on us too.

It isn’t entirely the fault of the fatties. Starting from birth, children could grow up prone to obesity and metabolic diseases if they experience high levels of glucose in the womb. Additionally if either parent has had an unhealthy lifestyle, then their gene expressions could be passed onto the next generation. So it is not solely nature. Nurture can become nature and plays a big part. Then of course, if their parents feed them crap on top of all that, they don’t stand a chance.

High carbs or sugar with fat and protein with fat do not naturally occur together and our taste buds are not adapted to cope with that. Together they send insulin levels through the roof. So they are addictive. The food industry knows this and takes advantage of those addictions. It is all very precisely planned. For example, the body has satiety hormones which recognise natural carbs, protein and fat. Refined wheat products are not natural carbs. The natural bit has been stripped away. Why do you not feel full after eating a Big Mac meal with 1100 calories?! Why do you think you can eat another one? 1100 calories, that’s crazy! Because there is no potato (maybe very little nowadays) in McDonald’s chips. It is all very cleverly designed to make people addicted to their food. They know exactly what they are doing!

What do they feed geese to fatten up their livers to make foie gras? Not fat, not protein. Grains! Carbs. So they educate the opposite to be true for humans. :roll_eyes: Most people do believe all they are told. They are brainwashed as children and brought up never to question.

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You are much to kind. We are a free people, free to make choices. We have all the information and all the commercials, many chose the commercials instead to the facts and information to lead a better life.

We may start off with parents not making good choices for us however we are responsible for our own choices as adults.

You as everyone has a choice take the vaccines or deal with the possibility of the disease. Don;t bitch about the disease if you get it.

Life about choices and people do not ned you or anyone else to tell them what to do.

Boris email to Godders


This useless pile of blubber has to be joking !!! :crazy_face:

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The irony is that vaccines give you the disease and sheep worship them as the savior.

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“In May 2019, Yaniv, who’s biological sex is male”

And yet she is a woman in Canada?

Femme fatale, I guess.

Great to see Kay put in her place.


And in the rest of the west too ! :rage:

You are beginning to sound like Dr_Mangleturd
Let me remind you …

There is only one drug …

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Foul !

That is a name-change from Google who have been around since the turn of the Century

Alphabet Inc. is an American multinational conglomerate headquartered in Mountain View, California.It was created through a restructuring of Google on October 2, 2015, and became the parent company of Google and several former Google subsidiaries. The two co-founders of Google continued to remain as controlling shareholders, board members, and employees at Alphabet .

Parent company as of 2015.

Yea I do have the choice(ATM) and I wanna keep it that way - They wanna give me a mandatory vaccine they’ll need to taser me first.
I don’t trust Gates or his vaccines and never have, but it isn’t me extolling the virtues of vaccines - it’s you, which given that you won’t take them either seems to be a tad hypocritical don’t ya think?

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Whenever I see a tranny I always struggle working out whether they are men pretending to be women or vice versa.

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No one here is talking mandatory vaccinations.

Bottom line is that everyone should chose, chose do go without you pay the price.

A lengthy but well written analysis of the errant statistics concerning COVID-19, death rates and deadly lockdowns.