Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE šŸ‡

Perhaps it would be better if the Pharma ended all research and development and manufacturing of drugs and then you could claim victory until you are in need of a drug.

Because of government regulations in the US it takes an average of 13 years of the 20 year patent to bring a new drug to market and most fail. The new drug cost 5 billion dollars. They scramble for a nw vaccine and people bitch about it wasnā€™t tested properly. The take years for a vaccine and peopl bitch because it took so long and people died. Then there are the anti vaxers, they in general hate everything Pharma does.

The average Covid death in the UK is aged 83. The average life expectancy is 81. So we are destroying the lives of millions to save a few who should have died 2 years ago. All health services work on cost per year of life saved. Until now.


I havenā€™t been in France since last December, but up till then, it was the opposite. Since the Brexit vote, price of fuel was up about 50%. They had terrible inflation.

Like me then. Not quite everything but Iā€™m darn cynical.:wink: Why do the masses, the sheep, not question what their doctor prescribes them? Do doctors never have a conflict of interest? GPs here get commission for prescribing certain drugs. Why are drugs always the answer?
In America, you get supermarket aisles full of diabetes drugs - is that not rather sick, that you buy diabetes drugs, like you can buy a bag of apples? Actually in some of your supermarkets, I struggled to see apples, but instead I had a faceful of pizza and diabetes drugs.

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of 5 conditions: hypertension, obesity, high blood glucose, fat around the middle (fatty liver), and abnormal triglyceride or cholesterol levels. These are all precursors to so called Western diseases, including cancer, diabetes, stroke, CVD, dementia etc. These may be seen as separate diseases, but they are not. If you have diabetes, but not heart disease, you are simply not yet diagnosed. You have.

Why do people have metabolic syndrome in the first place? No one in conventional medicine is interested in that. Because it is not useful for pharma profits to simply tell people to eat less*. And those profits filter down to manipulate at every level, right down to ads for diabetes drugs (on your TV) to our GPs taking commission.

*There is a veneer of attempting to advise people on how to lose weight, but the advise is deliberately flawed: low fat actually makes you fatter, high refined carbs and eating often raises insulin and vegetable seed oils (high omega 6) cause massive amounts of inflammation. All this has been known since the 70ā€™s, yet this way of eating has been pushed ever since.


But, but we ae a are country. We are able to chose. Over 60% of Americans chose to b FAT, over weight or obese. The simple answer is for people to buy drugs to fix the problem as the hard part would be for the country to change their life style, eat less and exercise would be the right answer however hard to accomplish when the drive thru Mc Donalds is so much easies than cooking a meal.
We lose over 600K people yearly to heart related disease yet nothing is done. Drugs for all. One group of actors have proposed the entire population be on High cholesterol drugs. Pathetic.

As often as we are told to eat healthy, exercise, less, everyone ignores the advice and expect government to fix it. We have the corona virus and now we look to masks, distancing for the entire country instead of protecting our most vulnerable population.

We ned more pills, vaccines so we can continue our flawed ways. We blame the president for 220K+ deaths when it coms down to advanced age, people with secondary conditions and of curse poor life style choices. We now politicize a virus which is simply a virus which like the flu, a cold will run its course. The Phrmas are simply doing what the government demands and people expect give us something so w can continue our poor life style choices.

The best news is the virus is mutating. More contagious and less deadly. Or is the reality it is less people die and that reality is ignored by he press so the government can continue controlling the population and the politics can continue to control th vent?

Pneumonia is on the majority of elderly death certificates. Year in/year out. World wide I think it is in the top 3 causes of death. Cold exposure:- pneumonia, fracture:- pneumonia, Virus:- pneumonia, bacterial infection:- pneumoniaā€¦you can go on and on with this, in a nut shell the immune system is compromised and respiratory system is such an easy target.

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They want to roll this out around the country and for now it isnā€™t compulsory :grimacing:
Of course a side issue with all this testing is all the DNA on record ? Iā€™m sure that will be valuable information and would not be surprised if it isnā€™t already changing hands for a fee.

Yep but wish they would get together with the Heritage party

The sceptic in me says itā€™s no accident the right is so fractured
For Britain
Britain First
English Democrats
Reform UK
Heritage Party
Brittanica Party

Are there more ? Probably I donā€™t know.

Edit: Young Actor ā€¦? Fox has just started something too I believe

I understand that the Pharma lobby in Washington is the biggest most well funded of all influence groups(second only to the arms manufacturers).
So maybe the govt is the entity being told what to do?

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Compromised by vaccines?

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My wife told me today that someone she follows on twitter, Karol Sicora(a doctor), said the death rate(from CV) in Liverpool is way down, like zero.

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One of many IMO Grub, Hair Spray, So Called Air Fresheners, Meds etc etc

Iā€™ve no idea mate I really havenā€™t looked at the numbers apart from when the likes of you and others who have shown the national numbers and the blatant stupidity wrapped up in the reaction. My mateā€™s Mrs had a ticker blow out, death cert Covid, My Old Man 92 had fall, death cert Covid. I know this story echoes around the world, so the numbers canā€™t be relied on anyway.

I think the whole DNA thing is waiting to happen. It really interests me and will be looking further into this.

First thing I findā€¦ Conspiracy about DNA harvesting :grin:

Yes, I heard about DNA harvesting, but I donā€™t exactly know what it entails.

Like Eustace Mullins said, the parasites have an urge (irrational or otherwise) to know everything about the host.

The ideal professions for the parasites are doctors and lawyers because they have an excuse to know everything about you. Does that make sense? @Magog @Jen @AlexC

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Yep it was all pre-planned - all of it including 911.

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I think the markets are pricing in a Trump win btw, which probly means they 'll collapse when he does LOL

Have you noticed the number of terrorist related incidents is on the rise again - Does that mean the agenda has changed bc they have lost the Ronahoax argument and now need something else to scare us shitless with?


They are preparing us for the inevitable cancellation of Xmas

On whether people should expect to be able to gather at Christmas, he said: "I think the virus is sublimely indifferent as to what day of the week it is and indeed whether itā€™s Christmas or any other festivals, so it does seem a bit unlikely that itā€™s going to be a completely normal Christmas, thatā€™s for sure."

But it is not indifferent to schoolchildren, knows whether you are in a restaurent or pub and only attacks after the pubs close.

This is getting beyond Pythonesque - Do politicians even realise how fucking ridiculously stupid they look??

Boris will be gone before Easter.

And then this ā€¦ Do these fuckwits really still believe in father Xmas - please tell me this was a spoof

They have not even got a clue about any facts or figures only their script, that they will stick to !

You understand wrong, not even close. Even George Sorosā€™s open society beat Pharma. And of course Arms manufacturers donā€™t make the top 10.

  1. AT&T

Yearly Spending: $18.5 million
Focus: Telecommunications
Primary Location: Dallas, Texas
Year Founded: 1983

  1. American Medical Association

Yearly Spending: $20.4 million
Focus: Medical education and public health
Primary Location: Chicago, Illinois
Year Founded: 1847

  1. Alphabet Inc

Yearly Spending: $21.7 million
Focus: Technology, internet, and software development
Primary Location: Mountain View, California
Year Founded: 2015

  1. Business Roundtable

Yearly Spending: $23.1 million
Focus: Businesses and nonprofits
Primary Location: Washington, D.C.
Year Founded: 1972

  1. Blue Cross Blue Shield Association

Yearly Spending: $23.6 million
Focus: Health insurance
Primary Location: Chicago, Illinois
Year Founded: 1929

  1. American Hospital Association

Yearly Spending: $23.9 million
Focus: Hospitals and healthcare networks
Primary Location: Chicago, Illinois and Washington, D.C.
Year Founded: 1898

  1. Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America

Yearly Spending: $27.9 million
Focus: Pharmaceutical companies
Primary Location: Washington, D.C.
Year Founded: 1958

  1. Open Society Policy Center

Yearly Spending: $31.5 million
Focus: Domestic and international government policies
Primary Location: New York City, New York
Year Founded: 1994

  1. National Association of Realtors

Yearly Spending: $72.8 million
Focus: Real estate
Primary Location: Chicago, Illinois
Year Founded: 1908

  1. US Chamber of Commerce

Yearly Spending: $94.8 million
Focus: Business and legislation
Primary Location: Washington, D.C.
Year Founded: 1912

And your government should be also jailed as most are responsible for the metals in the water you drink.

We need water to survive of course, and most of us take it for granted, but water can contain all kinds of impurities and chemicals straight out of the tap. What water does is absorb all kinds of
nutrients and toxins from its surroundings on its journey to the bottle or tap you drink it from. Aluminum, cadmium, mercury and occasionally copper can all be present in the water you drink or use for
cooking (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2016), all with potentially harmful consequences from long term exposure.

Cooking with contaminated water will transfer some of those contaminates into the food you are preparing, and so it pays to be prepared. The good news is that a water filter can remove not just the chlorine or fluoride people are familiar with, but the majority of heavy metal contaminants too, so the advice is not to avoid water, but to ensure you always drink and cook with filtered water for peace of mind.

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