Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE šŸ‡

I was referring to the other 8 in there with her, 7 of whom died, apparently.
You are beginning to sound like Neil Ferguson - pushing the fear porn agenda.

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Think Billy boy might not agree with you

Of course. Out of curiousity, what price do you think I will pay?

So this is what CV19 is all about - CV19 can survive on cash for days so they need to get rid of it

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As a healthy person like myself nothing

Not at all

I donā€™t take the flu vaccines offered and donā€™t need the corina virus vaccines either

But then again Iā€™m healthy with a dynamite immune system

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noun [ U ]

a situation in which someone pretends to believe something that they do not really believe, or that is the opposite of what they do or say at another time:

Some people should take vaccines, fat ass Americans in particular should line up for the vaccine for the corona virus as 60% of the population is overweight, obese leading to over 30% of the population with hypertension, high cholesterol with many having heart related conditions.

The people the corona virus is made for.

The vaccine would be ideal for the elderly as they are an at risk population.

For the healthy, there is little risk and a vaccine is a waste.

Got it buttercup? I suspect you would be a person who should take the vaccine but the world would be a better place if you didnā€™t and were unlucky.

As for me, last time I had a cold or a virus was 2006, killed it in 3 days. Canā€™t remember the last time I took an antibiotic.

Itā€™s not really about you or I is it? If I have zero risk of dying from covid, then why was I under house arrest? Because I could spread it to others? If that is a valid argument, then couldnā€™t the same argument apply to having to have the covid vaccine? The vaccine argument is to ā€œeradicateā€ the disease with herd immunity, like with they have done with smallpox, polio etc. But then I thought herd immunity doesnā€™t work? :roll_eyes:

Yes they could just jab the fat and old, with extra priority if theyā€™re also BAME and male. Same as they could have just shielded the vulnerable. They didnā€™t because it would ā€œcreate health and social inequalities.ā€ They can but they wonā€™t. Itā€™s about compliance to the cause. Itā€™s about making us all equal. Call it thin privilege. If they can get people to willingly give up their freedom for ā€œprotectionā€ (by the state), they can do anything.

I certainly think itā€™s one prong on the fork.

Just to add IMO we didnā€™t really need to do anything, this entire nonsense is and always has been political from the start. There is nothing extraordinary about Covid other than they turned it into JAWS 4. :grin:


It has been shown that these drive through test centres are barely being used and yet they have just moved 2000 soldiers into Liverpool to ā€œHelpā€ with the testing. So if it was really a thing what is the issue with using the many empty hospitals and walk in centres that have become almost redundant, surely it makes sense to test in proper sterile facilities just like hospitals !! What a F***** joke !!

I think we got the message that you are ultra healthy.

The reason test and trace will only work if mandated is fairly obvious.
If I get the test and I am +ve I have to self isolate along with all my contacts - so no income, no sex, no nothing.
Ok so I wonā€™t take a test - EVER - simples.
Donā€™t think Iā€™m the only one who will go through the same thought process.

Thought Iā€™d stay up last night/morning and watch the election - BIG MISTAKE

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I think most ppl on this thread are relatively healthy - most of us donā€™t feel the need to brag abt it though So maybe there is a reason Loulou feels the need to bore us with his medical record.

Three post rule.

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I think about 17.4 Million plus a few mil who have woken since Brexit vote. Iā€™m happy for the balance to be fully committed to their own demise. :grin:

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People who are healthy usually donā€™t brag about it.

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People who get paid to count the votes stopped abruptly and all went home?
I wasnā€™t surprised when something similar happened in the Philippines under Marcos. (And his opponent was shot, I believe.)
