Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE šŸ‡

Iā€™m not swung either way over the dates and number associations etc as the world is old enough to have historical significant events for every day of the year but I really like the rest of what this guy has to say.


This is really good - thanks Stu - You couldnā€™t make it up LOL


The statistics are from the CDC.

I could care less if people are anti vac or not.

People donā€™t want a vaccine, no problem they die, it classes the one pool. Unfortunately they nd up in an emergency room or hospital and add to the healthcare debacle.

The lockdown is a way to control the people.

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I was talking to my brother last week about this crap and if it wasnā€™t so serious it really is like an episode of ā€œCandid Cameraā€.

Right On Cue ! Quick grease the cogs on the fear machine!

Edit: Did you see Mr Farage has rebranded the Brexit Party to ā€œReform Ukā€ ?


Known and published poisonous ingredients. Prison for poisoning.

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Poison vacs

SIX. PERCENT. This was published on the CDC website at the end of August. For some reason, nobody is talking about itā€¦

The whole idea of vaccination is not completely wrong.
But the vaccine industry is in the wrong hands.

Idiots get vaccinated without asking questions, the same way they wear masks all day long.

This was cited already.

Thanks for the rabbit.

The rabbit makes it easier to find this thread among too many of sensationalist threads.

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That is not like the French

When they get upset about something it usually becomes more and more intense until the politicos find an amenable solution.

Remember the Gilet-jaune ?

ā€¦ and funds flow to the new arms industry, the like of GSK and AstraZeneca.

So is this better than a war?

My SOā€™s daughter and granddaughter both caught it and survived. The granddaughter didnā€™t enjoy taking a deep breath a couple of weeks after she supposedly got better.

My neighbourā€™s mum (aged 80+) broke her ankle and went into hospital. While she was there all the 8 people on her ward caught C-19, seven of them died. Neighbourā€™s mum has recovered and is convalescing while her ankle repairs itself.

An old woman, who was the next-door neighbour of a friend of my SO, fell over in her garden earlier this year, spent more than 12 hours (overnight) in her garden before being discovered. She was taken into hospital for treatment for hyperthermia, caught C-19 and died a couple of weeks later.

There have been other deaths in our village, I think one was known to my SO.

Our (foster) daughter now works at an establishment looking after kids who are too bad to be placed with normal carers. She went for a test with a co-worker, and tested -ve, the co-worker tested +ve. So she is now doing a 10-day shift in ā€œquarantineā€ whilst looking after the kids who have definitely been in contact with carriers. I will let you know what happens ā€¦

Thatā€™s the problem.
They put people in a big ward together without proper ventilation (windows wide open, that is)

In China and Italy, they were putting (suspected) patients in the same space/building and deaths soared.

There was a study done in Germany early this year.
I posted their findings either here or on a Corona thread.
Parents ā‡” children transmission rate is surprisingly low.

The movement spread beyond the borders but it seemed to have fizzled in France, courtesy of lockdowns, etc.

They reduced the price of petrol/diesel IIRC. @Jen ?

Donā€™t suppose you know if they died with it or from it. Any co-morbidities?How old were they?

That seems to imply that they caught it in hospital, which also implies that they were admitted bc there was something else wrong - co-morbidity?

So maybe died from effects of hypothermia with rather than from CV19

Yeah I know Iā€™m a cynical,sceptical bastard Ex.

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