Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇

Ex I think the people who were at the front of the queue like Margaret Keenan, William Shakespeare etc. The news headliners. Every chance they had normal saline. As they have no idea what the effects will be there is no way in my opinion that they could take a chance that the stars of the show could drop dead with an adverse reaction. They need to appear fit and well.
You may have noticed they were spritely old people not ill. I think they have selected wisely for the leading roles on who has a good chance of still being alive in a month or so under normal circumstances and when the media dust settles. All those out of the media glare will have the jab and if they do snuff it, it will be a task for us to know cause of death because although nobody in the last 12 months has died of old age, that is what will be used to conceal any effects IMO. People will start to die with old age again.

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Crowd control
(20 characters)

Correctomoondo! …and much more!

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Same thought occured to me and if too many of them die ppl might jump to ‘‘wrong’’ conclusion


This is an old vid but packs a punch in its short duration.

The Tavistock institute and they don’t have any information on being socially engineered :roll_eyes:

The US military getting ready for action as Democratic States are leaving the Union.
Another Civil War in America?
Sounds like it.

Hey Stu! I too am O -ve

After some months of not donating (they shut my preferred venue and changed their booking system) I was thinking of completing the steps towards 50 gongs and winning a golden pin or something.

I had a booking for e.o.October, but I also had a race-booking for 8th November. In anticipation of receiving a call from the donor system informing that someone who attended tested +ve, and therefore having to self-isolate and miss the race … I cancelled the booking … then lock-down cancelled the race. :frowning:

Anyway I have another appointment next year, and the race was rescheduled for late December.

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Cuts down the hate-mail

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Yesterday I snapped Alex’s (?) picture out of the Corona thread and sent it to my (foster) daughter. She is wanting to start a family in a year or 3. I “suggested” that she not get the jab.

What about a Windows version of the Falcon Heavy Lifter …


Haven’t looked at them for awhile - remember this?
Is this what is going on now?

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Thanks Stu but I relieve my angst thru ranting at MP’s.
I’ve got a ss of every MP’s email addr and I email a random selection every week.
Just asking q’s like how many suicides were caused by YOUR lockdowns
Or - If the vaccine is ‘‘safe’’ why do Pfizer need legal indemnity.
Yeah I know most probly get ignored but I think most are at least read - I even get into the odd argument with some

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So when you cancelled did you reschedule immediately or did they bombard you with calls to reschedule ? I haven’t experienced this level of harassment to make a donation before, one call was just before 10:00pm one evening.

No I don’t think I have seen that particular presentation before but similar.

100% IMO
They are the absolute masters of social manipulation.
These are one and the same;

This is a really good one for visual bullet points and connections.

Yes I rescheduled immediately

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No doubt anymore - I think Simon is 100% legit.


It’s all ok calm down, it was just a coincidence that this woman had some abnormal reaction during testing, the ministry of truth said it has been confirmed she had been given a placebo what a relief hey !!

Did I hear Graham Hancock right?
Humanity is “fucking arrogant?”

[My comment]
I think ancient civilizations with advanced technology existed thousands of years ago.
I also think there was a nuke war in what is today India and Pakistan.
Other places in the Middle East show signs of nuke explosions and Sodom and Gomorrah were also destroyed that way. (Russian archaeologists found them under the Dead Sea on the Jordanian side)