Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE šŸ‡

Nazi =
Alliance between German nationalists and
Jooish Zionists

There were a number of Jooish generals, including a field marshal, in the Germany military.
Nazi Germany was not ā€œantisemiticā€ as touted.

Nazi concentration camps were not annihilation camps but more like education camps to teach Joos to migrate to Palestine, instead of being pests to host nations.

When the German military was defeated in 1945, the Zionist ally quickly sold the Germans down the river and pretended they had nothing to do with the Germans.

History repeats itself. You cannot trust Zionists. Even if they pretend to be non-religious, they are heir to ancient Pharisee.

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At 17 Charlie talks abt the Gates VAX and says that of 100 ppl who took it - they ALL died within 7 days.
Not sure what to make of it yet but DYOR.

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I know this was used to make a point but it is the reality. In simple terms the flu virus mutates slightly all the time and regardless of what they want to call it our immunity recognises the bulk of the virus makeup that has remained the same from itā€™s last outing. Immunity springs into action because it remembers this old enemy and goes to work on it. The moral of the story is ā€œDonā€™t Fuck With Immunityā€ ! It is a real piece of work and must be looked after by giving it the correct nutrition and lifestyle. It can handle the odd blow out but if itā€™s a lifetime of pizza & cigarettes, it will be compromised and leave you susceptible. The evidence of this is the same year in and year out and this bollox Covid has just put the highlighter pen on the real facts for those that want to see it.

Edit: Just to add meds etc with the pizza & other junk :roll_eyes:

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Charlie also says the vax is all abt population reduction
Haspell and Obozo were sent to Guantanimo bay.

Charlie is another person, like Simon who Iā€™m not sure abt yet - he tells a good story and sounds credible butā€¦

Iā€™m about half way through. The thing is I have no idea if this guy or for example Simon Parkes and so many others out there are legit. They all come across as well connected and one person points to China, another CIA etc (Simplified for ease of getting my point across), they all sound very plausible. Damn my bloody head spins with it all but one thing I do know is there are the players that are really blatant and in our face. So perhaps we can crowd fund for a team of elite mercenaries and start popping off the obvious and probably relatively easy to access ones, gates, soros, zuckerturd, rothschilds etc etc :grin:
Obviously said in jest but I do think taking out some of these characters would be easy with the right skill set and an obvious service to the world, every day I wake up and hope one of these pricks have been taken out and in the grand scheme of possibilities in the world I donā€™t think itā€™s too much to wish for. I just have to work out a funding plan ! :thinking:

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Ever thought that maybe we can afford it, not having to pay for all those lumps of useless dead wood?

For starters:
Election reform to preclude cheating. Possibly:

  • Paper ballots only
  • New voter registrations for all eligible voters
  • Signature match requirements
  • Purple Ink for in person voters
  • Absentee ballots must be requested
  • No ballot harvesting
  • No votes from dead people

Not election related:

  • Tort reform
  • Term limits (even for SCOTUSā€¦thereā€™s little worse than having a senile or demented justice on the bench)
  • Size of SCOTUS fixed at 9
  • Reduction of retirement benefits for government employees (including Congress)
  • Limited staff for Congress
  • No free gym for Congress
  • No free food for Congress
  • Laws passed by Congress apply to Congress members and staff
  • Existing 50 states to remain
  • No new states EVER
  • Immigration law reforms

All of the above should be included in the new Constitution. Additionally, these provisions (and more I could add later) in their final form could not be altered or overridden by any law, executive order, regulation, court decision or by any other conceivable method other than amendment to the Constitution.

I reserve the right to revise and extend my remarks. :innocent:


I donā€™t know if this is still current but it seems a decent base to start.

If Charlie is right itā€™s already started and Obama was one of them.

The problem I have with both Charlie and Simon - itā€™s very difficult to verify anything they say bc it all comes from sources they canā€™t reveal ā€˜ā€˜yetā€™ā€™
I also switch off a bit when anyone plays the god card.
I guess weā€™ll probly never know what is/isnā€™t true - even Obozo was shot in the head - no-ones ever going to admit that so he could be in a villa in Barbados for all we know.
Take McCain - some say he was suicided - we will never know.
Itā€™s all interesting stuff but keep the truck load of salt handy LOL

I fully agree, I desperately want it all to be true ! But we have to keep our own gun powder dry as the saying goes. :grin:

Steve is someone I give a lot more creditability - shame its with Alex tho

:+1: I blow hot & cold with Alex, he has been on this path a long time, again like everything else it will likely come out in the wash, I just hope we are very close to the spin cycle !

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I was thinking of starting a new thread within RH that wonā€™t get lost where we can put some ideas down on how we would like to see a future form of government, rules for mpā€™s, maybe local county control, North/South etc etc Of course in preparation for when we bring the current system down !!
Is it worth doing ? Suggestions from the Yanks will of course be welcome too as you have managed to hold on to your constitution whereas ours has been ignored for a long time.

Me too but he is waking a lot of sheeple up

They should add an advisory note at the bottom
Only ppl with an IQ in single digits need to apply for a test.


The only issue I have is him mixing between English & British. It was the British. The acts of union were in 1706 ish which I believe was the seed of globalism. Iā€™m not an authority on this but I have read around it because I was interested about our Bill Of Rights. This is a massive subject and would actually appreciate any good reading pointers but it would seem that many of the issues stem from the ā€œBritishā€. You have probably noticed that there has always been an issue with flying the ā€œEnglishā€ flag but never the Scottish or the Welsh. British is pushed so much, Scotch & Welsh too but donā€™t dare be proud to be English. It is only the English that have ā€œThe Bill Of Rights 1689ā€ which is effectively our constitution and the basis for the American constitution. So some dark force doesnā€™t want ā€œThe American Constitutionā€ and that same group donā€™t want ā€œThe Englishā€ because they have a constitution too including the right to bear arms !!

EDIT: Just to add an obvious but omitted point, ENGLAND has no devolved government.

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You old cynic ! :grin:

Yep I have started to encourage ppl I donā€™t like to take it

Theres only one form of govt Iā€™m interested in - Direct Democracy - a la Switzerland

Given the fact that this govt couldnā€™t manage a piss up in a brewery - what do you think the chances of a successful rollout of the new super dooper vax are?
So we just got 800k doses of the SDV and the army have been despatched to jab us. - not sure how long that will take but probly wonā€™t finish before Xmas(more like easter).
Have the military even got enough -70c capable freezers?
The first luccky ppl are in care homes so getting the first ā€˜ā€˜volunteersā€™ā€™ should be easy.
The second jab(within a month) might be more of a challenge.
AND they are gonna repeat that with all 70m of us - Its a total joke - just Kabuki theatre.