Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇

Nigel Farage: No doubt there was ‘industrial scale’ ballot harvesting in US Election


What’s behind this guy’s head?
Ten gallon hat or somethin’?

The media is more powerful than average Joe Blow thinks.
The governments, presidents, prime ministers and the like come and go but the media stays, controlling these puppets.

The media IS the controller, directly tied and reporting to the banksters who decide who is to live and who is to die.

Is deceiving the average Joe Blow is a crime?
Not so in their creed. The Talmud specifically says it is the tribe’s duty to deceive and steal their wealth, wives and children.

Pony tail?..

Deep state don’t want you to be healthy. Now go and have the vaccine like good citizens.

BTW, that video was pure Biochemistry, scientific facts. Hard to call it false.

That is interesting because with my own observations here, since the freedom marches, there has definitely been a mix of otherwise different political allegiances and if it wasn’t for the fraudulent election it appears that happened in the US too. Although not as direct support for the Republicans but in the hope Trump will break the usual political cycling.
The people out marching here are cheesed off with the left/right political roadshow.
They are ready for people who have had real careers, baker, engineer, soldier, chef, accountant etc etc to take over and in a way that is almost like doing national service, (take a look at the model in Sweden for example). Obviously that needs a lot of thought but having people leave university with a degree in politics and then being career politicians is a total disaster. I have never understood here, how for example, we can have a minister of education that has never taught or minister for health that hasn’t been a surgeon, matron etc.
For the rest of us we have to show why we are suitable for the role, we our hired based on our experience and suitability. But hey politics, ministers etc you just need to be an arsehole for the most part. One month you can be minister for housing and with a shuffle of the deck the next you could be chancellor.

So if we consider that the true election was a landslide, the people supporting the face of globalism is likely very small in terms of real boots on the ground regardless of how well armed they are Would you agree with that ?

Again maybe not. As, if the true legal numbers are revealed there will only likely be small ratio of hardcore globalist groups willing to fight.
Of course it would be critical for Trump to cut off the bad eggs in the military industrial complex as a matter of priority.

And hope that doesn’t bring about just a new form of control ?
Maybe your additional amendments would take care of that ? What would they be in your opinion ?

Sky News Oz compared to Sky News Uk are like chalk and cheese.

He put the message across well but then couldn’t bring himself to say Christmas. I know the very people he refers to have started calling Christmas “…Holiday…” too. He could be under the spell and doesn’t know it. :thinking:

Australian Santas are forbidden to say “ho ho ho”

This happened some years ago, but even now it sounds stupid. Political correctness gone amok?
Most likely.

You have to click watch on facebook. You do not need to be a facebook member to watch.

The true history of the world and the United States.


The role wasn’t advertised !!

He says he has no truck for either party but thinks there are no incidents of election fraud.
My G/son is 9 and has an understanding of some of the issues in the material that is circulating. His teacher told them last week that JB was going to be the next president, I had already primed him that this might happen and to say “my G/dad told me that isn’t right, the newspapers should not say that as it isn’t official”. She said “no all that has been sorted out now and it is official”.
Anyway my daughter went in to tear a strip off for misleading the kids !! No problem in making kids aware of what is going on at that age but it must be the truth, not their version of it !!
I veered off slightly there !!
Yes no point with Monte.

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My mate just rang me to say there is good turn out in Manchester today and apparently an excellent turnout in Birmingham yesterday. I could not go this week but there in spirit.
Got to keep refusing their bullshit lockdowns & tier shite !!!

In Paris they have turned up the heat and started to give the coppers some payback.

I was about to add a facebook link to show police being torched and beaten but it has been removed !

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I get the impression he doesn’t really have a position on anything but will argue against your pov just to wind you up. Try Socratic debating with him.

One of the things I got from that was the bit abt money v power.
The only way they can control us is through information(MSM) - I think we really are going through the 3rd renaissance - TPTB can no longer dictate the agenda bc they have lost control of the narrative - NO-ONE listens to or believes MSM anymore - we get our info from the internet and they can’t control that.I think the election /Covid bollox is their desperate attempt to regain control.

You know all the bollox abt test/track and trace.
Does anyone know exactly why they are doing that or more importantly how they treat ppl who test positive, and by treat I mean will we get any medication(maybe HCQ) to cure us?
Is the only objective to eliminate the virus,lock us up and scare us witless - How about some medication to treat us if we get sick, instead of a vaccine to prevent us from getting it.
Given that CV has a 99.8 % survival rate wouldn’t that be the obvious thing to do?
Think I might suggest that to a few MP’s

No because they just say stay at home apparently, my mate had to have a test for work, which was positive so had to “isolate” and everyone on his shift was also tested. That just bumps up their stats to use in the fear porn !!

Edit: He was fine by the way.

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We may be informed but you’ll be surprised how many people still listen to the MSM. The majority do. You can’t fool everyone but you can fool enough to run and get vaxxed. I saw on one Euro-peon news outlet propagating that: “if you get the needle shot you can be proud of yourself for not spreading the virus. It is your duty to your government to stop this threat”. I was disgusted realising how many fools will latch on to that idea and be the first victims. The propaganda BS is too strong for the feeble minds. People will die.