Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇

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You couldn’t make this stuff up !

It was on MSM recently.
It was also the first thought I had when the cryo-storage aspect was revealed.

One whisper is that it causes paralysis in some people.
Unfortunately I don’t know which vax that is.

I know ! It was a stretch when Dione said it :crazy_face:

Mine was how are these bastards going to get it into the frozen aisles of Tesco Asda etc :laughing:

Sorry Ex. Will try to be more serious. !

Pope Francis says he would baptise aliens: ‘Who are we to close doors?’

I suppose his heaven means outer space. LOL

This is music to my ears !! I have been saying for years this arsehole will come unstuck one of these days. Liverpool Mayor who is a total con artist.


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Typical sheeple response:

If I listen to you, I will have nothing to eat then.

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And just to update it a little we introduce a Scotch Egg ! :crazy_face:




No. I see it as deadly battles within each state, pitting globalists against patriots. The strengths of each side within states will vary just as it will within the US military.

Both sides will come to possess significant arms, vehicles, aircraft and explosives.

As factions within each state are defeated, the victors will band together to form stronger forces.

The duration of the war will be short compared to the War Between The States.

The death toll will be much higher.

The patriots will win.

The Constitution will remain essentially as it is, with additional amendments.

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Now, female sterilization may make sense in countries where a female gives birth to 20 kids in her lifetime. I won’t name which countries, because it sounds racist.


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Simon Parkes update Dec. 5.

General Flynn watches his updates.
Emergency is over.


(Regarding the media)

What an antisemitic statement.
And yet, you can’t refute it because it’s coming straight from the horse’s mouth.

Strange thing is, Japanese media is the same way.
Totally controlled by Zionists, while there are hardly ■■■■ in the country.

Israel did JFK, 911 and Fukushima.


Now that people are not immune to smallpox, this virus may may make a comeback killing millions.

(Some medical institutions have kept the virus.)

It is more important to eradicate criminals than to vaccinate the population, so that the criminals won’t spread pathogens on purpose.

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