Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇

I’m not convinced, He used to be an anti vaxxer and appointed Kennedy to look into.
And the vaccines are very much deep state - Trump isn’t

Just been looking into going to Spain to visit my son for few days but it’s not on the UK corridor list, meaning having to quarantine for 2 weeks on return (which I would ignore and doesn’t bother me) but one thing that does bother me is I can’t get travel insurance but it’s OK to fly to Sri Lanka for example without quarantine on return and insurance available. What a load of bullshit this is !!

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“Your papers, please” is an expression or trope associated with police state functionaries"

Seems we do have people who have learned from the past.

An amazing vaccine, needs to be shipped at below zero and stored before use at Below zero F.

No potential for it going bad at all.

Can you go to Portugal or Gibraltar ??

I did wonder … how long above -70C before it is junk ?

Yes can go to Gib Ex but once cross into Spain. Health Insurance not valid. Not concerned over regular health, it’s the what if I’m hit by a bus etc type scenarios.
Also it is a pants down session. Manchester to Gib £736 . Liverpool To Malaga £15 :grin:

Bloody Hell !
That is a bit steep

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Does anyone think this new super duper vac might just be a placebo

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Go to Israel.
Vaccines there are safe, because they don’t poison their own.

Mike Adams talks about it at 58:00

Not really.

The efficacy may be different than they state as trials are small samplings and they use statistics to come up with a percentage effective.

Keep in mind, viruses are in a state of mutation. The vaccine may have a limited use as the virus mutates.

Who would know if they have had a shot of normal saline or a fetus & aluminium cocktail.

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My theory is that they are panicking -
Because of their actions lots of ppl have lost businesses, jobs, lives, etc etc
Worst GDP for 300 yrs
Biggest debt Ever …etc.etc
And all that is nothing to do with the fake virus - it is a dirct result of their hysterical reactions and I think they are at last worried abt the repercussions.
So we know they can’t admit it was all a mistake(go back to normal sheeple), but they need to stop the pain
Only way they can do that is get us all ‘‘vacced’’ or pretend that we have been?
They even started to manipulate the poll no’s - for a long time abt 60% of us would refuse to take the vac.Now magically, it is apparently only 10
It’ just the continuation of the Kabuki theatre

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They have realised we are not quite ready for the Great Reset. People are waking up and there is growing opposition. So they backtrack with the “vaccine.” Maybe not a placebo, but it’s probably useless, just like the flu vaccine.

I think placebo or not it will be used as a major component of the control structure. Every six months/12 months etc etc. and although they haven’t said compulsory, they don’t need to, they will make life so difficult to get by without it. Sabotage and burning is on the way !

I think the flu vaccine was likely the warm up act, doing the exact opposite of what it said on the tin.
Is it coincidence there is positive association between the so called covid deaths and flu vaccination rates in the over 65s ? Or is it that age group are just susceptible ? I know a fair amount of very healthy over 65s that haven’t had a flu shot.

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The cull has started.