Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇

Matt Hancock is the type to have had his head flushed down the toilet at school. It’s payback time for him.

The way he is carrying on he is going to get more than his head flushed down the bog !
I would not be surprised for one of these clowns to be on the receiving end of a milk bottle, filled with lit accelerant before too much longer.

Don’t understand why this hasn’t gone viral

When I make green tea the water goes “green” as opposed to brown/red/black (depending upon whether you forget to remove the tea bag).

When I look at green tea the leaves are green-tinged, as opposed to black for typical Indian or Chinese tea.

The result of allowing green tea to soak in water is that you have a pile of what looks like hedge-clippings, i.e. a bunch of unmistakably green leaves.

… perhaps you are thinking of something else.

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It is surprising how many people experience similar things. My SO often was not fed because her mother prioritised cigarettes over feeding her children.

They are coming for you …

People who refuse a vaccine for COVID-19 could find normal life curtailed as restaurants, bars, cinemas and sports venues could block entry to those who don’t have proof they are inoculated, Britain’s new vaccine minister said on Monday.

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TR just been given 300hrs community service and ordered to pay court costs, for smacking a muslim in the nose for grabbing his daughter’s backside. The muslim who is charged with sexual assault was in court to give evidence against TR for the assault !

Anyone who tells me violence isn’t the answer I say you are talking shite. The courts, parliament, the bloody lot needs burning to the ground.

And now we have a muslim import telling us basically if you want to lead a normal life you will need this piece of crap health passport, he doesn’t think the vaccine should be compulsory but quite obviously he speaks with fork tongue.

Ex buy stock in CHUBB I think things are about to heat up !


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Ok, I admit there are many types of “green tea,” some more green than others.

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This bollox is making me really angry now - how the fuck can ppl be so stupid?
Why do I even need a vaccine for something that has a 99.8% survival rate.
Have you noticed the way we are all arguing abt what tier we should be in and not whether we need a LD in the first place
And the guy in charge of this is the 2nd richest MP in UK.

I also don’t understand why we have bought zillions of something that hasn’t even been approved yet.

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Depopulation agenda in the UK and Germany.

In the US, 200 million less in 5 years?
Mostly white Americans.

Cui bono?

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A good listen.


I don’t understand much about economics and finances
(because I think they are both manipulated).

But anyway

They are not on the streets for the Ronahoax they are worried abt the revolution.

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All you need to understand is that we are in deep shit.



What I don’t understand is why the sheeple think it’s ok for their kids to go to school but not a restaurant or pub