Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇

You have to laugh at these morons Mag ! I had a similar one few days ago from my MP Margaret Lockwood, I think it was a cut & paste from something else as it showed no obvious sign that my email had been read even though it was in the reply ! I keep sending them though as if nothing else I know it is a pain in the arse for her and hopefully reduces her hours spent in parliament !

Stu, when you don’t understand, you scratch yourself. When I don’t understand, I move on. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Did she notice that some States achieved more votes than registered voters, I wonder?

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 and that is the difference between engineers and ordinary people.






At least I understand enough not to be a walking tub of lard.

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I’m rather particular about where I scratch ! Very often the need to know why & how etc is greater than the need to move on. Although moving on would save a lot of time probably especially when there is still a mist. :crazy_face:

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What I wanna know, (and I can’t wait to ask my GP, when he tells me to get vaxxed) - is why the fuck I need a vaccine for something with a 99.8% recovery rate.

Ok, let’s try the simplistic approach 

  1. old fat people with health issues will probably die
  2. people with the wrong type of ACE receptor (about 0.3% of the population it seems) will die
  3. the NHS is not capable of processing 0.01% of the population in ITU, therefore anything that reduces the infection rate is better than saying “you are going to die this month instead of the year after next”.

I have thought about what I will do. I might go for it. However I have also heard that ‘the vaccine’ causes paralysis in some unlucky souls, and I have not discovered whether that is permanent or temporary. Maybe I will first see how the SO gets on, she has bought all the fear and is definitely in the high risk group.


I’m gonna ask them to show me the test results that prove I won’t – get cancer, dementia, become infertile, go bald, get arthritis, in 20 years and if they can do all that, explain why the Pharma’s need immunity - If they can I’ll take the vaccine in 20 yrs.

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I think there’s gonna be a big market for forged health passports soon


Welcome to the German Democratic Republic.
One of the worst offenses there was to desert the “republic” without proper documentation.
Republiksflucht — Escape from the republic.
You got shot at the border.

Yeah, the shots, ye the Brits say jabs.
They will kill you all the same.

I won’t be able to test the watermelon hack, but I might try the pineapple, readily available from Hawaii

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Might I suggest EX before you make that decision try the power of fasting. Even 2 or 3 days next time you feel a bit under the weather / feel lethargic, actually anything, I think you will be surprised at how fast the old internal pit crew get going and you feel great afterwards. Don’t go wild exercising during the fast but add a couple of 1 hour brisk walks to keep the lymphatic system ticking over.

Read the material from the scientists behind The Great Barrington Declaration, they are anything but anti-vax but even they say trying to immunise against this virus is beyond stupid. Also consider what their useless test would show straight after receiving the jab ?

You know the gov passed a law that indemnifies the pharmaceutical companies of any liability. So you can’t sue them if anything goes wrong. What’s the problem if it’s 100% safe?

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Why not? :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve raced a half marathon after fasting for 24 hours. Also done some 40-50k bike races after over 24 hours not eating too. It’s called metabolic flexibility. :wink:

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Yep - exactly

I was specifically meaning when you are under the weather, best to focus the system resources on getting well first. Also if you haven’t fasted before you need to get used to how it feels and personally I don’t think going like a bat out of hell will benefit the experience.

Obviously after a few fasts you soon realise it feels great to train etc fasted.

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I will not be at the top of the invitation list, so I will have a chance to see what happens to others.
Also my spy network will keep me informed of unpleasant side-effects.

Yes I had noticed that Big Pharma has been absolved of fault.

Yesterday a clip looking at flu-jabs revealed that they are only 50% effective.
Anything more efficacious is quite an achievement.
I like the way they have (allegedly) snipped-off the protrusions to create a vaccine.
Identifying the external signature is exactly what the immune system needs.

 and you have a lovely pair of legs to attest to that !