Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE šŸ‡

I get that but there is always some bastard willing to cover stuff up, even with Trump I donā€™t see the big hitters becoming saintly all of a sudden. So just like they have blamed most deaths for last year on Covid they can do the same for anything.

The message is the same for most things, the bulk of the people have to reject the technology, leave it on the shelves. I think most of us can make do with an ethernet connection. And for those that canā€™t, live within the scope of 4G.
EDIT: I donā€™t think we even know what the long term effects of 4G are yet.

If there is no interest in rejection then the only other option is guerilla tactics- sabotage

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Bet Geldof wont be volunteering to offer any rooms in his castle


I pray to the Creator cause I know what ADS is. Disguised as just a faster cell phone service is a sales pitch that most humans have no idea what it can actually do. Itā€™s a military leathal weapon. Very deadly.
Rumors have it that Bush Senior, when he invaded Panama to arrest then President Manuel Noriega, used that technology against the Panamanian military. They said there were melted bodies of soldiers all over the area. The weapon can be adjusted from mild nausea to burning alive depending on simply adjusting a dial.
Itā€™s all for those psycho, demon possesed elites that plot to depopulate the world for their satanic ruler.
Now you can appreciate why a hell was created.

3 minute video


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I have to confess to speed reading this piece but I donā€™t think they mentioned not knowing where most of them are either. :roll_eyes:


I can almost see Dianaā€™s eyes in Williamā€™s face wondering what the hell am I doing here.


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He is working on behalf of his uncle, who has been a naughty boy and is not allowed out.

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That, too! We are both correct, dontcha see?

Itā€™s like two people going to a movie together and seeing two different things.

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No holds barred Brother Nathanael.


No I donā€™t see. You said what Alex said with his meme ( No one sees what you see, even if they see it too) was True but then went on to add the qualifier ā€œUNLESSā€.
So I interpret what you said as ā€œNo one sees what you see, even if they see it too, UNLESS all of the focal parameters are identicalā€. Which means everyone sees what you see if all the focal parameters are identical and as we know that may not be case.

I think he is part of the problem, just like his old man and gran.

Mine addresses the fact that the eyeballs of two people cannot simultaneously be in the same exact locations (both of them) at them same timeā€¦and that cannot be the case.

Yours addresses the fact that two people viewing the same object will have differing interpretations of what they saw.

Both are true.

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That is really interesting.

It is surprising that with the size of the cranial cavity they didnā€™t survive to more modern times. I suppose that if they were ā€˜visitorsā€™ they could have been all-male and would thus have expired naturally.

I wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all our American friends

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There were giants of various sizes in Europe and North America, etc.
Some of them were 2-3 times taller than average humans, some of them 10 times or even 20 times taller.

Barbara Marciniak said the presence of tall people in northwest Europe indicates some of the giantsā€™ DNA did survive among humans.

She also said there was a giant skull in the Sahara Desert under which an entire caravan could spend the night.

It may still be sitting there, but neither PBS nor National Geographic is likely to feature it.

They are part of the cabal who want to keep average humans believe in their narrative.

Thanks Alex - I reposted in the other thread hope you donā€™t mind

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Following Exodus reminder, enjoy your Turkeys American Rabbits ! :+1:



Hmmmm ok. There was no talk of any simultaneous viewing the first time around but regardless I see what you are saying and the important point which Iā€™m sure you will agree and the point of the MEME is we all have the potential to see things differently regardless if it is an object/situation directly in front 2 people or 10 people. Yes technically we might be looking at something from a focal positioning perspective slightly different but two wildly different descriptions.

Regardless of where we are standing lots of idiots see poor displaced brown people at our shorelines that need help and support. I see them as potential terrorist who should be sent packing.

Anyway at this point I donā€™t mind admitting many of the memes leave me scratching my head, I then consider am I dumb or special because I appear to be the only one who doesnā€™t understand.

For your amusement.
I recenly sent an em to a local MP complaining that Bozo had congratulated the new president - Biden.

This was the response - God help us.

Dear Mr xxxxxxx.,

Thank you for contacting me about the 2020 US Presidential election.

It is important to have a fair election in any country and to allow for the full democratic processes in place in the US to occur.

I can now extend my congratulations to Joe Biden on his election as President of the United States and to Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on her historic achievement. Their ticket, impressively, achieved more votes than any candidate in US history.
I note your concerns about the possibility of fraud during this election. As we have seen, the United States has a strong series of checks and balances within its political system which has, naturally, produced a result.

As you say, the United States is our most important ally and I look forward to the close work our two nations will do together on all our shared interests and priorities, from tackling Covid-19 to counter-terrorism, and collaborating closely through the UKā€™s Presidencies of COP26 and the G7 next year. The friendship between the UK and US has always been a force for good in the world and I look forward to seeing that continue to grow.

Kind regards,


Joy Morrissey MP

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