Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇

I think the burgers are pure beef. It’s not the meat that’s the problem; it’s the bread which never goes off and the chips with 20 different ingredients. I believe one of them may be potato these days.

The UK has just announced that Christmas is “on”.
Up to three families may co-locate (in a house) for up to five days centred on the 25th, more or less.

What kind of beef do you use in your burgers?

Every one of our burgers is made with 100% pure beef and cooked and prepared with salt, pepper and nothing else—no fillers, no additives, no preservatives.

We use the trimmings of cuts like the chuck, round and sirloin for our burgers, which are ground and formed into our hamburger patties.

Where do you get your beef?

It takes a lot of beef to make as many famous burgers as we do—so our suppliers buy from ranchers located throughout the U.S., including Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin.

While we remain one of the largest purchasers of U.S. beef, we also import USDA-inspected beef from New Zealand, Australia and, recently, Canada.

I suspect that will be highly unlikely in the US.

Sorry but I have been away from The Hole for a couple of days.
During this time I discovered one the reasons TPTB are expecting rampant inflation any time soon.
They are printing their own money.

Yes, that is what QE is all about. I thought it was about buying zombie company bonds, or other kinds of troubled assets … but no, it is all about buying government bonds just to keep the interest rates down and thereby avoiding crippling interest payments.

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I just watched News at Ten and one of the items was centred in an old peoples care home where they showed a scene of abt 8 OAP’s(all 75+) having lunch.
The story was that they had all, bar 1 recently caught CV19 and apparently suffered some quite severe symptoms, altho it didn’t say if any had been hospitalised, I suspect they weren’t.
But NOT one of them died - they ALL recovered.

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That is an interesting observation.
We should be able to spot the next virus already.
Do you think it is this…?


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… got houses ?

I think he could well be compromised in some way too, it is a well used tactic. I watched an movie a while ago with a decent dramatisation of the kind of shenanigans that go on.

I interpreted the meme as even if all the focal parameters were identical beyond the lense our brain can interpret the information differently.

Just watched this Alex - Are you all scared now?
Pray Trump wins and can/will actually do something abt it.

Do you think he will stop these technologies ? You don’t get anywhere telling a junkie heroin is bad for them, they’re just too far gone to realise it or they know but feel like they can’t get through the next hour without it. So who else does that sound like?
The reliance on smart phones is a pandemic, the thought of 5G is beyond orgasmic for the same crowd.
I personally think the world was technologically advanced enough some time ago but even that thought can be twisted. Who decides the good from the bad technology… but yes to answer your question it is very worrying.

Maybe not, but if enough ppl start dropping dead from the ‘‘Ronahoax’’ and enough ppl start waking up, I think he might. Don’t forget If he wins and proves massive voter fraud he will be able to do ANYTHING he wants

If Biden wins it will come very soon

Eventually, it will be a hyperinflation in the United States.

Who knew “period poverty” was a thing ? From the country that contributed deep fried mars bars to the culinary scene.

A good film, I thought

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