Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇


Being aware who’s the enemy and who’s the Deep State (having influence on both sides of the pond, as well as this side of the Pacific).
It’s a matter of consciousness, being aware and connected. There’s power in it.

There’s fear in his eyes.
The poor man is being blackmailed.

The media is the brain virus.
I would say brain parasite.

Worms are also known to infest the human brain.




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It’s a horrible thought but it’s not beyond the realms of possibilities that Trump wasn’t signed up for this part. Hear me out. So they bring a guy on board with charisma and really says all the right things and does all the right things for 4 years, they know they can undo most of what he does in the short term for their long term gain as after this next election it really is game over.
So this guy is built into a hero who despite being under constant attack does some great things for the country and as obvious as it looked with voter fraud etc he just couldn’t manage to defeat the big bad wolf and get the second term over the line. That is a very powerful message for the country, especially if he is used post election to also keep the Republican Rottweilers on a leash. So here we have a Billionaire larger than life character with balls who you managed to get to POTUS and even he couldn’t beat us so what chance do the rest of you have. Don’t forget this isn’t just about the USA, this would be the Globalist message to the world. This scenario works if Trump is a willing participant or not. If he’s onboard it just means going through the motions of battle, if he is genuine then he has just done 4 years on the Truman Show.
I sincerely hope that every word of it is nonsense on my part but I don’t think it hurts to explore the possibilities and lengths these sick bastards are prepared to go to for this global reset one world bollox.

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I think u r wrong Stu.
I think Trump was put there by the white hats backed by the military.
And what we are watching is a fight between good and pure evil.
If Trump doesn’t win I’m moving back to Mars btw

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Have you heard the latest soundbite from Bozo?
‘‘Squeeze the disease’’
So the walloping didn’t work and now we gotta squeeze(hug?) it to death?
Do you ever feel like you have reverted back to childhood and you are watching a pantomime punch and Judy show?

It’s just exploring possibilities Mag, I’m not saying I believe this to be the situation and certainly hope it isn’t but as you know the hoaxes have been very elaborate so just suggesting to be open to all possible scenarios. The truth is I don’t know but knowing it could be one of a few scenarios doesn’t hurt me, just like the scenario you refer to with the white hats, it’s another possible. My record for picking out the bandits here like Mrs May, Brexit etc long before the band strikes up hasn’t been too bad but then again there is no great foresight needed when you understand that we are in a continuous cycle of being duped. You will only know that has stopped when you can physically see the changes you are hoping for.
Either way with Trump …mark my words, this goes for us too. There will be…

They come and they burn the grass to the seed.
Everyone learns the sound of their feet.
They’ll take what you earn, they steal what you keep.
They’ll shut down the roads, blockade the sea
Yeah they will

Watch out behind, trouble’s coming.
Look up ahead, start running.
Look out behind, trouble’s coming.
Watch up ahead, start running.

The trees will all burn, ash falls like leaves.
The storm’s growing cold, we can feel it in our knees.
They’ll plan when you’re calm, they’ll scheme while you sleep.
They’ll look you in the eyes while they chain your hands and feet.
Yeah they will

Watch out behind, trouble’s coming.
Look up ahead, start running.
Look out behind, trouble’s coming.
Watch up ahead, start running.

Watch out behind, trouble’s coming.
Look up ahead, start running.
Watch out behind, trouble’s coming.
Look up ahead, start running.
Watch out behind, trouble’s coming.
Watch up ahead, start running.
Look out behind, trouble’s coming.
Watch up ahead, start running.

This is very disturbing. Not one parishioner appears to object. What a world hey.

I couldn’t watch beyond the point the boy is offered a red flower.

It’s a sick society and it wasn’t made sick by chance.
There is an agenda to destroy family, tradition, common sense, gender, old-time religion (to be replaced with satanism), etc., etc.

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Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver proved that the meat in McDonald’s hamburgers is “unfit for human consumption” due to the use of beef trimmings treated with bacteria-killing ammonium hydroxide.

PS. Hamburger chef Jamie Oliver has won his long-fought battle against one of the largest fast food chains in the world – McDonalds. After Oliver showed how McDonald’s hamburgers are made, the franchise finally announced that it will change its recipe, and yet there was barely a peep about this in the mainstream, corporate media.

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100% British and Irish beef in the UK according to McDonald’s website.

Not being funny, but McDonald’s in the US is very different. :thinking:

A related claim is that McDonald’s buys its meat from a company called “100% beef”. :face_vomiting:

No … the poor man has realised that the people have taken to the streets because of his policies.

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No. What he says is technically true. Nobody can see exactly what you see unless each of their eyes are in the except same location as yours, with identical orientation and identical internal conditions, including focal points.

They will likely attempt to cancel the entire holiday season.

The prediction is for a massive spike in corona virus infections as people are giving them the middle finger over thanksgiving.